Neighborhood News Digest- 12 July 2024

Russia, India State Confidence in Afghanistan's Fight against Terrorism-Tolo News
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi have issued a joint statement following an official meeting....

A MEGA response to MAGA

Macron wants to Make Europe Great Again, borrowing from Trumpian MAGA ideas and protectionist Bidenomics. The Euro polls may influence this process. In about a week, elections will determine the complexion of a new European parliament. They would ....

Initial Assessment of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Three Nation European Tour

Chinese President Xi Jinping, accompanied by his wife Peng Liyuan, Politburo Standing Committee (PBSC) member and Director of the CCP CC General Office Cai Qi and Politburo member and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, arrived in Paris on May 5, on the first ....

Neighborhood News Digest - 21 May 2024

Islamic Emirate: We Stand with the Govt and People of Iran-Tolo News
The Prime Minister of the Islamic Emirate has expressed Afghanistan's solidarity with the people and government of Iran in response to the death ....

China and France in the New World Order

This year, 2024, marks six decades of the diplomatic relationship between China and France. Chinese President Xi Jingping announced breaking new grounds to further strengthen their bilateral ties. He stated that this was an opportunity to uphold fund....

Neighborhood News Digest- 24 January 2024

4 Countries to Soon Hold Meeting on Afghanistan: Kabulov- Tolo News
Russia said that a quadrilateral meeting will take place by the end of January to discuss the situation in Afghanistan. The Russian president’s ....

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: August 2023

Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) held a number of discussions during the month. Geopolitical tensions and technological competition are affecting US-China economic engagement. Factors influencing economic dynamics include sanctions, export ....

Neighborhood News Digest – 05 September 2023

Afghan woman leads hunger strike for women’s rights amid global neglect – The Khaama Press
Tamana Zaryab Paryani, an activist for women’s rights, along with several other women, has initiated a hunger strike....

NATO after the Vilnius Summit: An Indian Assessment

The NATO Summit held in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, 11-12 July 2023, was momentous in many respects. It took place against the background of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine whose active phase of hostilities is now well past 500....

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