Neighborhood News Digest- 11 February 2025

Qosh Tepa Canal Second Phase Excavation 87% Complete: NDC-Tolo News
The National Development Company (NDC) says that 87% of the excavation work for the second phase of the Qosh Tepa Canal has been completed, and th....

State of the World: Emerging Trends and Way Forward - An Indian Perspective

The inaugural Vivekananda International Foundation’s (VIF) State of the World: Emerging Trends and Way Forward report offers an analytical and comprehensive analysis of global and regional developments, trends, and policy dynamics, through an India....

China’s 2024 Review and Outlook for 2025

In 2024, China commemorated the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, held from July 15 to 18, 2024, emphasized structural transformation, technological innova....

Russia and India: The Need for a New Agenda for Cooperation

The global situation is likely to become even more uncertain and complex as President Trump begins to unfold and implement his radical policies. His repeated threats during the campaign for about the imposition of tariffs on imports from China and ot....

Arctic Bridges: Are They Still an Option for Russia?

Over the past 1,000 days, the world has crossed an invisible yet critical threshold in the domain of mutually assured security. While the previous system was far from perfect, it maintained a relative balance and stability. Today, however, we find ou....

Close Encounters or Smoke and Mirrors? Lights of Transparency and Shadows of Legitimacy in New Jersey's Sky

In recent weeks, public discourse about extraterrestrial politics within the broader framework of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAPs)—commonly referred to as Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)—has suddenly transitioned from conspiracy (Roswell c....

Africa Now (01-15 December, 2024)


The African Continent witnessed significant developments over the past two weeks. The continent continued to experience democratic upheavals with Ghana electing John Dramani Mahama as its new President. The continent championed t....

Africa Now (16-30 November, 2024)


Over the last two weeks, the African continent experienced dynamic changes with major developments occurring in political and economic spheres. The continent continues to witnessed instability with extremist rebel groups killed 1....

Africa Now (1-15 November, 2024)


The African continent witnessed significant progress over the last two weeks. With its vast resources, strategic location and rapidly growing population, Africa has become an important player in the geopolitical scenario. It is i....

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