Aksai Chin
Future Politico-diplomatic Initiatives with China and the Border Dispute

The phase of intense politico-diplomatic relationship between India and China got over in May 2020, having lasted nearly thirty years plus. Of the guiding mantras of diplomacy and deterrence, the former was centre-stage, and the latter was...

Time for India to Reset its China Policy?

Once Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government return to power—as most observers believe it will—it should be more unequivocal in projecting the country’s policy towards China. Perhaps, it is time that New...

Salami Slicing, Fait Accompli and Buffers: What Next?

The contradictions are stark. External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar has often opined that relations with China are not normal, because India will not agree to any attempt to change the Line of Actual Control (LAC) unilaterally. Stating again its...

India China Border Dispute Packets of Information to Continuous Spectrum

China Factor: A Seven Decades Old Dispute Debated on Packets of Information In recent times - especially after the Galwan incident of 15 June 2020, Sino Indian border dispute is the most intensely debated topic in Indian media. The contents and the...

India-China Military Standoff at LAC in Ladakh Sector - Whither from here?

The 14th round of Corp Commander level military to military talks took place on 12 Jan 2022 to diffuse the ongoing military standoff between India and China. The situation emerged almost two years ago in May 2020 after China undertook military build...

Origin and Growth of Sino Pak Nexus against India: Suggested Tenets of Indian Response

An Assertive and Proactive India The Surgical Strike in Uri Sector (20161, Doklam standoff (2017)2 and air strike in Balakot3 have portrayed an assertive and proactive Indian response to the Chinese and Pakistani belligerence. A very definite...

Influences and Performance of Intelligence: Assessment of Intelligence Inputs in 2020 Ladakh Military Standoff

‘The further one looks back, the further he looks ahead’ Historically, military might alone served as the primary instrument of national power and for securing national interests. Later diplomacy, economic power, science and technology (S&T),...

India-China Line of Actual Control: Increasingly Fuzzier…

Though comparisons are odious, Line of Control (LOC) and Line of Actual Control (LAC) are chalk and cheese! The Karachi Agreement of 1949 delineated the Ceasefire Line (CFL), following directional paths in the absence of clear landmarks, by...

Inflexion in Sino-Indian Relations: Case for Strategic Pragmatism

The new China has shown itself as muscular, aggressive, expansionist and determined to force its way to top of the world stage by vigourously establishing Pax Sinica. China’s in the past three decades has been rapidly growing economically and...

Eastern LADAKH (EL) and Siachen: The Geo-Strategic Obstruct

Indeed, the Soltoro Ridge with the Shyok River to its West, the Siachen Glacier and the Nubra Valley and the Saser Muztagh with the Shyok River to its East, is a great geostrategic obstruct to any collusive designs of Pakistan and China. With the...

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