Neighbourhood Studies
India's Foreign Secretary Visit to Myanmar in December 2021

10 months after the military coup, India made its first outreach to Myanmar. The Indian Foreign Secretary, Harsh Shringla's visit in the month of December 2021 was a significant step. To discuss India's engagement with Myanmar and whether India shou....

Talk on "Recent Visit of Foreign Secretary to Myanmar and India-Myanmar Relations"

On 04 January 2022, the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organised a talk on "Recent Visit of Foreign Secretary to Myanmar and India-Myanmar Relations”. Dr Arvind Gupta, Director VIF, gave the introductory remarks followed by Amb Rajiv Bh....

IPIS-VIF Dialogue on Latest Developments in Afghanistan

India and Iran share close historical and cultural links dating back to ancient times. In contemporary times, this relationship is multi-faceted and includes cooperation in political, trade-economic, security, and multiple other sectors. To assess th....

What to Expect from the First India-Central Asia Summit

India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi will hold the first-ever India-Central Asia Leaders Summit in a virtual format on January 27, 2022. This summit will bring together the heads of state of Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, ....

The Himalayan Conundrum: Nepal and Bhutan in 2021

The year 2021 can be surmised as a year of political upheavals, economic downfall, and geo-political uncertainties for Nepal. Also, when countries worldwide were engaged in making arrangements to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, Nepal’....

Pakistan’s National Security Policy 2022-26: Some New Elements but No Shift on India

The Imran Khan government has produced the country’s first ever National Security Policy (NSP) document that outlines Pakistan’s approach to national security and provides guidance to the government departments. A public version of the document h....

Restructuring Power Equation: Rise of Indigenists means fall of Communism in Nepal

Ever since the end of the autocratic Rana regime in Nepal in 1951, the country has had seven constitutions. Yet, none of the constitutions survived for more than a decade or so in this country. During the last seven decades, the country witnessed dif....

पाकिस्तान में हालात: इमरान खान सरकार पर बनता-बढ़ता दबाव

इमरान खान की सरकार फिसलन भरी है। नए डीजी आइएसआइ की नियुक्ति के एक अनोखे मामले पर सरकार और सेना क�....

Myanmar’s Battle on Social Media

In the present century, social media has become a battleground to provide authenticity and validation for oneself as well as to produce hatred and discontent for others. Since the rise of the Arab Spring, the role of social media in spreading democra....

नेपाल-भारत की कनेक्टिविटी परियोजनाओं में तेजी

भारत ने 22 अक्टूबर को जयनगर-कुर्था सीमा पार रेल लाइन नेपाल को सौंप दिया। इससे दोनों देशों के बीच व....

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