Neighbourhood Studies
Virtual Talk on India-Bhutan Relations

A virtual talk was organised by the Vivekananda International Foundation on 21 October 2021 on India-Bhutan Relations. The talk delved upon the following areas. The foundation of India-Bhutan diplomatic bilateral ties was laid in 1968 with the op....

50 Years of Bangladesh and its Evolving Ties with India

On 31st January 2022, Vivekananda International Foundation organised a talk on "50 years of Bangladesh and its Evolving Ties with India". 2021 marked the Golden Jubilee of the Liberation War and 50 years of India-Bangladesh ties. It also marked the 1....

Sri Lankan Economy Spiralling out of control; Requests IMF assistance

Sri Lanka’s economic meltdown is one of the worst in recent decades, pushing many families into poverty. The situation is rapidly spiralling out of control with multiple ill prescribed economic policies. The unstable economic crisis is clearly on t....

Border Security is Receiving Higher Salience in Tibet

Over the past year, the Chinese authorities have increased emphasis on border security along the Sino-Indian Line of Actual Control (LAC). There have been a number of visits by senior Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) officials and TAR Security and Propa....

2021 - A Year of Military Rule: Predictions and Way Forward for 2022

The year 2021 was the most distressing period in Myanmar’s independent history. Unlike the earlier two coups, the opposite forces (National Unity Government, People’s Defence Forces and Ethnic Armed Organisations) reacted sharply to the military ....

Bamiyan Buddhas and Afghanistan’s Cultural Heritage

In Afghanistan, Buddhist cave temples are concentrated in three regions: Jalalabad (180 caves), Haibak (200 caves) and Bamiyan (1000 caves).[1] The Bamiyan Buddhas are part of a Buddhist site in Bamiya....

Why Culturally Pluralistic Nations in Nepal?

A sizeable chunk of the population in Nepal, including the Madheshis, Janajatis and Dalits have been raising their concerns about an identity crisis. They feel that they are not being treated equally by the state in the matter of their representation....

Pakistan in Flux- A bleak future ahead

“Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose” which means, the more things change, the more they stay the same. The quote poignantly underscores the precarious situation of Pakistan, as it teeters from one to crisis to another. Every year the trou....

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