Neighbourhood Studies
तृतीय क्षेत्रीय सुरक्षा विमर्श: एक विश्लेषण

अफ़ग़ानिस्तान पर होने वाला तृतीय क्षेत्रीय सुरक्षा विमर्श 10 नवम्बर को नई दिल्ली में संपन्न हुआ। ....

How Will the Collapse of the Government in Afghanistan Affect Relations Between India and the United States?

India has yet to come to terms with the Taliban takeover. The Taliban cabinet consists of UN-sanctioned individuals who have committed heinous terror attacks in the past. The Taliban are not independent, writes Arvind Gupta, Director of the New Delhi....

VIF Interactive Session with Sunil Bahadur Thapa and Bishow Parajuli

The Vivekananda International Foundation organized an interactive session with Shri Sunil Bahadur Thapa, Joint General Secretary, Nepali Congress, and Member of Constituent Assembly on 08 November 2021. Shri Thapa was joined by Brishaw Parajuli, Repr....

Nepal’s Afghanistan Policy is gradually Acquiring Some Shape

When the Taliban captured the Afghan capital Kabul on August 15, Nepal was completely unprepared to face the unexpected situation that unfolded in the South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation (SAARC) member. With the Taliban rapidly advan....

Single National Curriculum in Pakistan- a Recipe for Disaster?

Education is considered to be a potent force that paves the way for political, social and economic development of any country. A viable education system enables the nation to achieve its national goals and is a key indicator of progress and prosperit....

A Welcome Reset in India-Nepal Relations Amidst Chinese Encroachment of Nepalese Territories

A New Beginning
Amidst the gloom and pessimism in India-Nepal relations in the past five years, the two countries now seem to be moving towards a reset in bilateral ties. Since taking office in July 2021, the newly appointed Prime Minist....

ASEAN Snubs the General in Myanmar in keeping him out of the Summit

ASEAN’s reputation as a successful regional entity is at stake because of the military coup in Myanmar on 1 February. No amount of counsel by other ASEAN members or the international community to persuade the junta to restore democracy has worked a....

दो नगरों की कहानी: ढाका मार्च 12, 1972 और काबुल 30 अगस्त 2021

पांच दशक और डेढ़ हजार मील की दूरी में विभाजित दो घटनाएं-
जब से अमेरिका ने अफगानिस्तान से अपन....

An Assessment of International Coalition Forces Intervention in Afghanistan

The Al Qaeda attack on the twin towers on 9 September 2001 turned America’s global war on terror into a crusade. The operation Enduring Freedom commenced in Afghanistan on 07 October 2001 followed by Desert Storm in Iraq (2003). Our focus in th....

Fresh Impetus to India-Sri Lanka Ties

In a very significant development which will give an impetus to India-Sri Lanka relations, Prime Minister Narendra Modi is inaugurating the direct flight from Sri Lanka to Kushinagar on 20th October. A number of high dignitaries and Buddhist monks fr....

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