International Relations and Diplomacy
ताइवान का सूखा क्या दुनिया के लिए चेतावनी है?

विश्व भर में सूखों की बढ़ती बारंबारता और तीव्रता गहन चिंता का विषय बन रहे हैं। 2018 में पूरी दुनिय�....

Developments in Afghanistan: Concerns for Russia’s Central Asia Policy

The failure of the Afghan Peace process and subsequent 'US-allied forces’ withdrawal from Afghanistan has paved the way for an accelerated Taliban offensive in the country. This has become a serious concern for regional secur....

ताइवान से नेताजी का नाता

ऐसे समय में जब भारत अदम्य नेताजी सुभाष चंद्र बोस की 125वीं जयंती मना रहा है और उनका लापता होना एवं �....

China Intensifies Campaign to Assimilate Tibetans into Mainstream Han Culture

Tibet appears poised to initiate a vigorous campaign aimed at assimilating the Tibetan ethnic minority into the Han national mainstream. An important speech by Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR) Party Secretary Wu Yingjie, at a meeting of the District Par....

युद्ध, ओलंपिक और राष्ट्रवाद

अंततः टोक्यो ओलंपिक 2020 के भव्य समारोह का शुभ आरंभ हो ही गया। तीन घंटे का यह शुरुआती समारोह इस पृथ�....

Afghanistan's Uncertain Future and Its Implications for China-Pakistan Relations

The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan will have a profound impact on Asian geopolitics and international relations at large. China-Pakistan relations are also undergoing steady change as both seek to maximise their influence, security and economic int....

Hopes for Peace Return in the Korean Peninsula as inter-Korean Military Hotlines re-established

The liberal and dovish South Korean President Moon Jae-in is a gutsy leader who does not easily give up to make peace with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, despite the latter’s maverick behaviour and unpredictable policy choices that once agree....

West Asia Experts Group Meeting

The West Asia Experts Group Meeting was virtually held on 4 August 2021 by the Vivekananda International Foundation, the discussion was focussed on India-Turkey Relations; Turkey’s Foreign Policy and its Regional role. The key speakers in the se....

Regional Equations amid US Withdrawal from Afghanistan

The sudden withdrawal of US forces on the night of 1st July 2021 from Bagram created a piquant situation not only for Afghanistan security forces but also for the entire world. While a withdrawal was always in the offing, with a deadline being previo....

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