Myanmar Round Up: June 2024

June 2024 has been a tumultuous month for Myanmar, marked by significant military operations, escalating conflicts, and a host of economic and international developments. The country has witnessed fierce battles between the People's Defence Forces (P....

Neighborhood News Digest- 19 June 2024

Kabul Urges UNAMA to Portray Reality at UNSC Meeting-Tolo News
Zabihullah Mujahid, the spokesperson for the Islamic Emirate, called on the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) to reflect the rea....

Neighborhood News Digest- 14 June 2024

PM's Office Discusses Second Sarobi Dam and Jawzjan Gas Power Projects-Tolo News
The Economic Commission of the Prime Minister's Office in a meeting discussed the construction of the second Sarobi Dam in Kabul prov....

Myanmar Round Up: May 2024

May 2024 witnessed a surge in violence across Myanmar. Ethnic armed groups clashed with the military in various states, including Kachin, Shan, Rakhine, and Chin, displacing over 3 million people, a 50% increase in just six months. The military respo....

Neighbourhood News Digest – 06 June 2024

Russia Supports Afghanistan's SCO Membership – Tolo News
Zamir Kabulov, Russia's special envoy for Afghanistan, stated that if the Islamic Emirate is recognized, Moscow will support Afghanistan's membership in th....

Neighbourhood News Digest – 05 June 2024

UN Security Council to Meet on Afghanistan in June – Tolo News
The United Nations Security Council is set to meet on the situation in Afghanistan later this month. Although the exact date of this meeting has not ....

Multilateralism and India during 2014-2024

Between 2014 and 2024, India has navigated the multilateral world to ensure a supportive external environment of peace, security, and stability to accelerate the transformation underway in India. The fact that India is both a founder-member of multil....

Neighborhood News Digest- 31 May 2024

Business Tax in Afghanistan Reduced to 0.3%-Tolo News
Some senior officials of the Islamic Emirate announced today (Thursday) in the "exemption and reduction of the fixed tax" meeting that the leader of the Islamic....

West Asia Roundup: March 2024

Israel -Hamas war continued apace even as frantic efforts were made by Qatar, Egypt and USA to arrive at some truce and cease the hostilities especially during the month of Ramadan. As usual greater violence was witnessed and mor....

Neighborhood News Digest- 06 March 2024

Islamic Emirate Army Chief: US Controls Afghan Airspace-Tolo News
The Chief of Army Staff of the Islamic Emirate says that Afghanistan's airspace is still under the control of the United States. Speaking in an excl....

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