Sudan Stuck amidst the Power Grab

Sudanese have suffered a week long violence that was not seen before except in the Darfur some 20 years ago. This time it is the battle of supremacy between the current ruler military chief General Burhan and his rival deputy Gen Mohammed Hamdan Daga....

Neighborhood News Digest – 17 April 2023

China eyes Afghanistan's lithium reserves, offers to invest USD 10 billion – The Economic Times
Taliban are simply not able to ensure security in places such as Kabul. The fact that ISKP has been increasingly able t....

VIF Cyber Review: March 2023

UIDAI and SETS collaborate to conduct R&D in deep technologies
The Society for Electronic Transactions and Security (SETS), part of the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, and the Unique....

Pentagon Leaks: The real embarrassment for US is that the leaks occurred, not their content

The episode raises serious questions about how the Pentagon deals with classified documents. Meanwhile, the US will be relieved that bilateral relationships didn’t take a hit and that the leaks don’t alter the fundamental reality of the Ukrain....

Neighborhood News Digest – 12 April 2023

United Nations to review presence in Afghanistan following Taliban banning women from working with UN Mission – The Hindu
The United Nations said, on April 11, it is reviewing its presence in Afghanistan after the T....

Neighborhood News Digest – 10 April 2023

Russia to participate in foreign ministers meeting of countries neighbouring Afghanistan – The Print
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will head the Russian delegation at the fourth foreign ministers’ meeting....

Risks of Exaggeration: What to Make of Russia’s Relations with China after the Xi Visit

Xi Jinping’s three-day visit to Moscow, 20-23March, his first abroad in his third term as China’s President, evoked considerable interest. Two joint statements and a dozen bilateral cooperation documents were signed. Xi’s personal equation wit....

Neighborhood News Digest – 31 March 2023

UN Says Attacks On Afghans 'unacceptable' After Deadly Explosion Rocks Kabul – Republic World
The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan denounced the deadly explosion that rocked the capital city of Kabul....

Neighborhood News Digest – 29 March 2023

The Taliban posted photos of hundreds of US military vehicles it said were abandoned in the chaotic pullout of Afghanistan and now form part of its army – Business Insider
The Taliban claims to have repaired and put....

Neighborhood News Digest – 28 March 2023

MoFA Said Delegates Visited Afghan Consulate in Tajikistan – Tolo News
The Foreign Ministry’s spokesman said that a delegation of the Islamic Emirate led by Mohammad Musa Amiri, head of the ministry's finance and ....

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