अमेरिका की नाकामी का नतीजा

अफगानिस्तान आज जिस संकट से जूझ रहा है, वह अमेरिका और तालिबान के दोहा समझौते की नाकामी का नतीजा ह�

What Recent Meetings Tell us About the Emerging World Order

The G7 summit meeting on 11 June, followed by the North Atlantic Council meeting (14 June), Russia-US summit (16 June) and the extension of the Russia-China Friendship Treaty for the next five years (28 June) give us important pointers to the shape o

कॉर्नवाल से सप्रेम1

प्रिय गैर-समूह7 नागरिकों आपने 12-13 जून 2021 को कॉर्नवाल में समूह-7 लोकतांत्रिक देशों के खुशहाल परिवा

‘Great Rejuvenation’ of the Chinese Nation to Continue: Xi’s Message at the CCP Centenary Celebrations

The Chinese Communist Party celebrated its 100th birth anniversary. CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping delivered a much anticipated speech on the occasion. Being a centenary speech, it had obvious political significance. It sums up the state of affair

कोविड के काल में विवेकानंद

कोविड के इस संकट में आज चारों ओर विषाद और निराशा फैले हुए हैं। यह निराशा स्वाभाविक है। कई लोग मा�

From Cornwall with Love1

Dear non-G7 Citizens, You would have seen the cute pictures of the G-7 happy family gathering of democracies at Cornwall on 12th-13th June 2021. The weather held up. Sunbathed beaches were wonderful. We were relieved that Trump who had spoiled the

महामारी के समय राष्ट्रीय आपदा प्रबंधन प्राधिकरण को क्रियाशील करने की जरूरत

भारत इस समय अभूतपूर्व स्तर पर स्वास्थ्य आपात स्थिति का सामना कर रहा है। कोविड -19 महामारी अब तक 250,00

Vivekananda for Covid Times

The Covid crisis has spread gloom and despair. Despondency is natural. So many people have died. The bad news is pouring in from all sides. In many families, several members have passed away within a few days. The virus is spreading to rural populati

The Need to Activate the National Disaster Management Authority in Pandemic Times

India is facing a health emergency of unprecedented proportions. The Covid-19 pandemic has already claimed over 250,000 lives and infected over 24 million people in India. It is now rapidly spreading to rural areas where health infrastructure is mea

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