VIF Briefs
U.S –China Trade and Technology De-Coupling : A Brief on Tariffs, IPO’s and Frauds


The Trump administration has engaged in an intense competition with China on trade and technology. Until Donald Trump was elected, the U.S had a massive trade deficit with China, while Chinese tech giants were capturing the...

Climate Change in The Himalayas : Its Impact on India’s National Security

Human-induced climate change has led to unprecedented changes in the Arctic and Antarctic regions. Similarly, the Himalayan and its surrounding mountain ranges, also known as the ‘Third Pole’ is experiencing drastic changes due to global warming...

Kashmir - Is the Time Ripe for a New Outreach Strategy?

India’s historic move on August 5, 2019, heralded a new era in Jammu and Kashmir, a state which witnessed an uncertain political status and 30 years of Pak-sponsored Jihadist militancy. Before the abrogation of article 370, the normal life had...

Power behind Arrogance: Assessment of China’s Air and Missile Arsenal

Going backwards from recent acts of Chinese belligerence and barbaric conduct in Galwan (sic) totally divorced from all ethos of soldiering, into events of the recent past, a pattern emerges. A pattern of Chinese aggressiveness, arrogance and...

A Guide to India-Australia Relations

For the first time in India’s diplomatic history a summit was held on a virtual platform. On 4th June 2020 Prime Minister Narendra Modi discussed a range of issues with his Australian counterpart, Prime Minister Scott Morrison. This summit is...

Locust Invasion in India

It has been a double whammy. As the nation is reeling under the effects of COVID-19 pandemic, India has to fight another menace: locust invasion. Massive swarms of desert locusts have devoured crops across seven states of western and central...

Swarm Drones: Attacker’s Delight, Defender’s Nightmare

Ever since the emergence of the unmanned phenomenon, the warfare has never been the same. Starting from their very humble beginnings of giving the war-fighter the marginally incremental capability to ‘look around the corner and over the hill’ the...

Pakistan: Nuclear Deterrence and Ideology

The nuclear age coincided with the advent of the Cold War. The concept of deterrence evolved in the background of ideological divide. However, both sides kept nuclear deterrence insulated from ideological considerations. This pragmatism was born...

Turkey’s Islamist Agenda in India

Post revocation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir, India faced a month and a half long diplomatic ordeal at various multilateral diplomatic platforms. India successfully navigated the dire strategic straits with most of the countries either...

Post 370 Kashmir - Roadmap for the future and Emerging Security Challenges

As Jammu and Kashmir enters the fifth month since the abrogation of Article 370, the national and international media, opposition leaders, and many public intellectuals have continued to repeatedly raise serious concerns about the security and...

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