Kashmir - Is the Time Ripe for a New Outreach Strategy?
Abhinav Pandya

India’s historic move on August 5, 2019, heralded a new era in Jammu and Kashmir, a state which witnessed an uncertain political status and 30 years of Pak-sponsored Jihadist militancy. Before the abrogation of article 370, the normal life had come to a standstill due to everyday encounters, mainstream politics dying a slow death, giving space to radical Islamist organizations. It appeared that Kashmir was entering the next phase of militancy where the Pan-Islamist groups like IS and Al Qaeda would hold sway in Kashmir.

However, August 5 dealt a death blow to terrorism in Kashmir. After 370, there was no major protest in Kashmir; however, resentment started when there was no palpable transformation on the governance and outreach front. This paper recommends a comprehensive outreach strategy for Kashmir, which includes many innovative and unconventional measures. It recommends a semi-official approach to reach out to the various stakeholders in Kashmir. Towards the end, the paper also draws the contours of formal political dialogue.

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