Kishida’s Stance on Nuclear Issue Remains Unclear

It was a mere formality that Fumio Kishida was named the 101st Prime Minister of Japan following voting at plenary sessions of both houses of the Diet on 10 November. Earlier, Kishida was elected the 100th Prime Minister of Japan following the ruling....

Chinese Stance in United Nations Security Council towards India

Amidst the on-going stand-off at the Galwan Valley, China had once again tried to raise the Kashmir issue in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Also, China has persistently tried to block India’s entry into the UNSC, Nuclear Suppliers Grou....

Known and Unknown Facts about North Korea: Is Kim Jong-un still alive?

One of the most isolated countries in contemporary world, North Korea is never short of news and hogs the limelight in international media outlets. Whether it is its withdrawal from the 1968 Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty ....

Global Nuclear Order in 2019: A Review

The year 2019 has precipitated two important trends in the global nuclear order namely, an unstable deterrence environment, and worsening tensions between nuclear and non-nuclear weapon possessor states over the pace of nuclear reductions. According ....

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