Evolution of Indo-US Relations: From Estranged Democracies to Engaged Democracies

From being what Dennis Kux, the US diplomat and author, called ‘estranged democracies’, India –U.S.A relationship has been transformed to ‘Comprehensive Global Strategic Partnership’. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s current visit to USA is....

At the Cross-Roads: A ‘Fleet- in- Being’ for QUAD 3.0?

The QUAD Leaders’ Summit on 24th September in Washington DC is akin to a cross-road, a juncture, at which the collective political leadership of four nations will have to choose between different paths as they move forward in defining the objective....

The QUAD Navies Exercise for the Second Time

In the 2021 edition of the Exercise Malabar, the navies of India, US, Japan and Australia came together during 26-29 August for the sea phase. This year makes the second year when Ex. Malabar was conducted in its expanded form. Nowhere is it being o....

BIMSTEC: The Journey and The Way Ahead

The Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) is a sub-regional organisation straddling five member states from South Asia and two from Southeast Asia. In the larger context of the global developments in....

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: July 2021

Vivekananda International Foundation organized six experts group through webinar on events and topics affecting India’s interests worldwide in the month of July 2021. The expert groups provide layers of understanding and contextualized the present ....

Takeaways from the Fullerton lecture

A high-level US visit was due in Southeast Asia. The region felt having been neglected from the previous administration. Lloyd Austin, the Secretary of Defense visited Singapore, Vietnam and the Philippines in July. The choice of three specific coun....

Role of India and Japan in the Myanmar Crisis

The ousted leaders from National League for Democracy (NLD) party in Myanmar have formed a shadow ‘National Unity Government’ (NUG) to challenge the military or the ‘Tatmadaw’ which came to power through a coup in Feb, 2021. Many analysts pre....

India-Japan in the Indo-Pacific: A Strategic Convergence for Peace, Progress and Prosperity

Over the last three decades, with the economic rise of India, Japan, China, Korea, ASEAN combined with Australia and New Zealand, Indo-Pacific has surely emerged as the new theatre of Great Power contest. The idea of Indo-Pacific and its coordinates ....

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: May 2021

In May 2021 six experts group discussions were organised by the Vivekananda International Foundation through webinar on events and topics affecting India’s interests worldwide. The diversity of the expertise of each of the members of the expert gro....

ASEAN’s Future

Since the advent of the Indo-Pacific paradigm and the Quad, there has been a sense of pessimism from the ASEAN about these new developments. The overarching sense is that both the Indo-Pacific and the Quad will upset regional dynamics and ASEAN will....

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