India's Foreign Policy and National Security Strategy

Has India always been a part of someone else's strategy? A RAND Corporation study argues that India thinks defensively due to the geography and cultural belief systems, so India never had a strategic culture. There is also the argument that India...

A Political Economic Approach to Reclaiming India

For 70 years, governance and administration of India has been guided by left-leaning economists fed on western precepts of the subcontinent's history and culture. A new generation of policy-makers call this myopic and are ready for a...

Sardar Patel, Unifier of Modern India, by RNP Singh

Vallabhbhai Patel (1875-1950) left his mark not only on the map of India but also on the minds of her people. He is said to have bequeathed the idea of an integrated India to the nation, and is often called the ‘Iron Man’, with an uncanny...

Hindu – Buddhist Philosophy on Conflict Avoidance & Environment Consciousness

Book Published

Driven by the myopia of profits and an ego that craves superiority over fellow brethren, man is leading a life of wanton devastation, and going through what is perhaps the most violent time in history. At stake is not just our own lives and...

Securing India : VIF Perspective | Issues & Trends | 2017

Book Published

Geopolitics is witnessing a flux not seen in decades, treading an uncertain path in the hope to arrive at a new equilibrium.

Twelve Essays on Terrorism: A VIF Analysis Edited by Lt Gen Gautam Banerjee

Book Published

Hardcover: 260 pages
Publisher: Pentagon Press; First Edition edition (2017)
ISBN-10: 8182749425
ISBN-13: 978-8182749429


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