Historical and Civilisational Studies
संवाद – भारत और जापान ने साझे मूल्यों पर दिखाया एक जैसा रुख

अक्टूबऱ 2018 में प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी की आधिकारिक जापान यात्रा ने भारत-जापान विशेष रणनीति�

SAMVAD Series of Conferences - India and Japan Find a Common Language on Shared Values

Prime Minister Modi’s official visit to Japan in October 2018 has greatly cemented the India-Japan Special Strategic and Global Partnership. The two countries are building a relationship on common values rooted in their ancient cultures. The Vision

संवाद – टोक्यो में संपन्न चौथी संगोष्ठी – रिपोर्ट

प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी और जापान के प्रधानमंत्री शिंजो आबे ने टकराव दूर रखने और एशियाई क्षे�

Lead, Kindly Light! - The Importance of Teachers in Our Lives

India has always bowed in veneration before the teacher. Why? Ancient Indians considered Creation itself a great sacrifice on the part of the Cosmic Being. This act of sacrifice is to be replicated by human beings in all their actions to uphold this

In Defense of Nationalism

In 1917, Rabindranath Tagore came out with a booklet on nationalism. It was a collection of three articles and a poem. Two of these, ‘Nationalism in the West’ and ‘Nationalism in Japan’, were lectures delivered in the USA in 1916-17 and in Ja

Samvad: the Fourth Symposium held in Tokyo - A Report

In 2015, Prime Minister Modi and Prime Minister Abe of Japan had mooted a unique idea of a holding a regular dialogue on ‘Samvad’ amongst Asians to discuss conflict avoidance, and philosophical and cultural heritage of Buddhism and Hinduism, the

योग और नैतिकता का भारतीय स्वरूप

सितंबर, 2014 में प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी संयुक्त राष्ट्र महासभा में गए और पूरी दुनिया अचंभे मे�

Constitution, Judiciary and the Memories of Congress Rule

Recently in a TV interview, Mr. Harish Salve said that to a few Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders he had said, “you may have got the absolute majority but please do not underestimate the destabilising powers of media, political activists, and pe

India’s Soft Power and Heritage: A Gift to the World

In the foreign policy context, soft power and heritage have become as important a tool of diplomacy for States as hard power. It promotes inter-cultural dialogue, essential to counter the multiple challenges to the existing world order by non-State

Kashmir, Nehru’s Idealism and Article 370

Though the State of Jammu & Kashmir (J&K) is an integral part of India, Pakistan claims that it is a disputed territory, particularly the Muslim majority Kashmir Valley, while some Kashmiris and the militant groups think that they are an independent

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