Sri Lanka Brief (1/16)
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Internal Developments:

1. President Committed to Strengthen National Economy:

President Maithripala Sirisena said that he would commit himself to strengthen the national economy and to eliminate poverty in the country in the New Year. He made these remarks addressing the media after paying homage at the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic in Kandy to receive the blessings for the New Year. The President further said that the government will also bring in essential political reforms and to formulate a new constitution, taking into consideration the suggestions and ideas of the political leaders, scholars and intellectuals as well as the general public.

2. 36 Lankans in Syria, some to join ISIS- Defence Secretary:

At least 36 Sri Lankans are reported to have gone to Syria with some of them having joined the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) terrorist group, said Defence Secretary. He said according to reports, several Sri Lankans with their families including several women and children have been among those who had gone to Syria. He clarified that he was not in possession of the details of how or with whom they had left the country. He requested the media and other organizations to be cautious and act responsibly when reporting on the ISIS.

3. Security Forces Fully Alert of ISIS Threats-

Commenting on media reports on presence of ISIS terrorists in the country or that groups having links to the ISIS were emerging in Sri Lanka, a statement issued by the government said, “Security forces wish to give categorical assurance that they are on full alert to the possibilities of any links or emergence of IS groups in Sri Lanka round the clock as it is the prime responsibility of the Security Forces and National Intelligence.”

4. 1.22 lakh Lankans living in India as refugees:

According to the latest figures from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), a total of 1, 22,533 persons from Sri Lanka are living as refugees in other countries and 15,504 persons (pending cases) have sought asylum there. A total of 50,268 have been internally displaced within the country, the Mid-Year Trends 2015 released by UNHCR recently stated. While 231 refugees returned to the island in the first half of last year, none of those who had been internally-displaced went back to their original home during that period.

5. Soldiers Arrested to Please LTTE Diaspora- UPFA MP:

UPFA MP Wimal Weerawansa accused the government of imprisoning officers of the army intelligence unit over the disappearance of journalist Prageeth Eknaligoda to satisfy the LTTE Diaspora. He made these remarks to the media outside the Welikada Prison after visiting the imprisoned army officers.

6. New Party to Safeguard Sinhala Identity:

A newly launched party, “Sinhale Jathika Balamuluwa,” convening its first media briefing on January 6 said it was formed to safeguard the identity of the Sinhala people and to regenerate the supremacy and pride of the Sinhala people. Its chairman, Ven. Yakkalamulle Pawara Thera, said that even though the Sinhala people had remained silent during the recent past, there seemed to be a new desire in the people to safeguard their identity today. “This is not a politically motivated organisation and we will make sure that it is not politicized for in the future like most other organisations in the country. Politicians have become frightened after seeing our emblem and are trying to prevent it somehow,” the Thera said.

7. It’s Nothing but Political Revenge- Gotabhaya Rajapaksa:

Former Defense Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa said that he was summoned by the FCID, PRECIFAC, Bribery and Corruption Commissions last year, not to investigate fraud and corruption, but to take political revenge. Mr. Rajapaksa said’if they really wanted to find out any fraud and corruption, it would not have taken a year to do so and that what they should have done was to check my assets and liabilities from the day I assumed duties as the defense secretary till I left the post’.

8. President Pardons Man who Attempted to Assassinate Him:

Sirisena met the former LTTE cadre who was convicted on charges of attempting to assassinate him in 2006 and granted the convict a presidential pardon during the national celebration at the BMICH to mark the President’s first year in office. Convict Sivaraja Jenivan alias Senan, walked up to the President during the celebrations to accept the presidential pardon.

9. Basic Structure of Constitution That Cannot be Changed- Leader of House:

The government is looking towards compiling a Constitution with a basic structure that cannot be changed forever, said Senior Minister and Leader of the House Lakshman Kiriella. Mr. Kiriella told a media briefing that the intention of the government is to compile a Constitution with a basic structure that cannot be amended even if all 225 members of Parliament vote in favour of such a change. Accordingly, he said no provisions will be made in the new Constitution to change the Independence of the Judiciary and the Independent Commissions such as the Election Commission. Further, the Minister said the government will not change the existing Unitary Status and the Status of Buddhism which is guaranteed by the present Constitution. He said the government had adopted a democratic process by inviting the general public to come up with their proposals and through holding a referendum for the first time in the history of this country.

10. New Constitution will Fulfil Aspirations of Our People:

The Constitution will be transformed to strengthen the hopes and meet the aspirations and desires of the people which Sri Lankan failed to meet during the post conflict period after the end of the war, President Sirisena said. He added that the detractors of the government spared baseless rumours that the Constitutional reforms would lead to break up of the country into two; Buddhism would be destroyed and the armed forces would be weakened on advise of foreign countries. “But what I have to tell you is that the Constitutional reforms will be used to further unite the country, augment Buddhism and promote reconciliation, communal harmony and economic development in the next four years of the rule of this government,” President Sirisena stressed.

11. Sri Lanka Named Top Tourist Destination for 2016:

Sri Lanka has been named as a top under-the radar destination for 2016 by the Fox News, a post on the Fox News website said. “This tropical Island in the Indian Ocean offers sweeping landscapes of lush green countryside, towering waterfalls and golden sand beaches. Sri Lanka has several national parks and eight UNESCO World Heritage Sites, including the Temple of the Tooth, which is said to hold Buddha’s tooth relic. It’s also known for its tea plantations,” the website said.

External Relations:

1. Sri Lankan Air Force Unlikely to Buy Pakistan’s JF-17s:Media

A leading Lankan defence expert told the Indian Express that the Sri Lankan Air Force (SLAF) was unlikely to buy the Pakistan-made and Chinese-designed JF-17, a third generation jet fighter, even though Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif pushed for it during his visit to Colombo between January 4 and 6,. According to him two factors will prevent Colombo from going in for it: First, there is India’s opposition and second, there is the cost factor: the fighters going at USD 35 million apiece. But the SLAF is eager to replace its aging Kfirs and MIG 27. Official Indian sources denied any knowledge of Lanka’s intention to purchase the JF-17 from Pakistan or India’s counter offer to provide its Light Combat Aircraft “Tejas’.

2. Maldives Says Lanka Didn’t Blacklist Dunya and Faris Maumoon:

The Maldivian Government denied reports that authorities in Sri Lanka had confiscated passports of two high ranking Maldivian officials after they were blacklisted "by mistake." A local daily had claimed that passports of foreign minister Dhunya Maumoon and her brother Faris Maumoon, a parliamentarian, were confiscated after they travelled to Sri Lanka on an unofficial visit. They were reportedly held at the airport for more than an hour before being told that they had been blacklisted “by mistake”. Denying the report, the foreign ministry tweeted that“Names of Minister Dunya & MP Faris never blacklisted, and their passportsnever confiscated,” a tweet read.

3. Sri Lanka Likely to Sign FTA with US- PM:

Sri Lanka hopes to sign a Free Trade Agreement with the US in the future, said Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, after launching the “Pakistan Single Country" trade Exhibition together with his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif at Temple Trees. He said Sri Lanka could be a gateway to countries such as Pakistan in its endeavour to enter the US market using this FTA. “Sri Lanka also hopes to sign Free Trade Agreements with Singapore, China and also enter into trade agreement with the US which would either be in the form of a FTA or a Comprehensive Preferential Trade Agreement (CPTA) so that Sri Lanka enter the markets around the Bay of Bengal," he said.

4. Pakistan to Grant MNF Status to Sri Lanka - Sharif:

Visiting Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif said Pakistan was ready to give Sri Lanka the Most Favoured Nation (MFN) status in trade. He expressed these views after signing eight memorandum of understanding (MoUs) with Sri Lanka in several fields, including nuclear, trade, defence, security and anti-terrorism. Speaking about the constant efforts of the two countries to improve bilateral relations, PM Nawaz said, “I reiterated Pakistan’s offer to set up cement and sugar plants in Sri Lanka on mutually agreed terms for the long-term benefit of the Sri Lankan economy.”The premier also expressed the need for frequent port calls, participation in military exercises, defence seminars and training of military personnel between the two countries. “The two countries have not only agreed to work together in the field of gems and jewellery, but also in other areas like education, defence, science and technology and health care,” he added.

5. Sri Lanka Condemns Attack on Indian Air Force Base:

The Sri Lankan government strongly condemned the terrorist attack on the Indian Air Force base in Pathankot. It said, Sri Lanka remained committed to work with countries in the region and beyond to combat terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.

6. Norway to Assist in Reconciliation Process:

In its fresh efforts to renew ties with Sri Lanka, Norway is to explore opportunities in cooperating with the government in the reconciliation process. Norwegian Foreign Affairs Minister Borge Brende, during his one day official visit to Sri Lanka on January 9, held talks with former President Chandrika Kumaratunga heading the Office of National Unity and Reconciliation (ONUR). It was in 1999 during her presidency that Norway was invited to play the role of facilitator in peace talks between her government and the LTTE.

(Based on media reports, compiled by Anushree Ghisad, VIF)

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