Maldives Brief (4/15)
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Gayoom Denies Involvement in Installation of new VP:

1. Former President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom has denied rumours that he wants any particular person appointed as the next Vice President. He also said that the appointment of a Vice President is the sole prerogative of the President. This came after reports in a section of the media outlets that Gayoom wanted Maldives Development Alliance (MDA) Leader Ahmed Siyam Mohamed to be appointed as the next Vice President.

Process against Nasheed in Line With National and International law:

2. Speaking (July 10) at the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention in Geneva (in relation to a case filed by the former President Mohamed Nasheed (regarding the government’s submission of its response) the Maldivian government representative maintained that trial against Nasheed was being conducted in consonance with national and international laws. Government also clarified irregularities, actual or perceived, if any, can be addressed in appeal - an option still available to Nasheed - and urged the Working Group to dismiss the petition on this basis.

Government Resumes Talks with MDP:

3. Government had earlier held two rounds of talks with the opposition political party MDP, and the third session which was cancelled last week, is set to resume on July 12. Both parties have agreed to move forward without a timeline. The President has assigned the Home Minister, Umar Naseer to lead the official talks with MDP. Meanwhile, Bill to amend the General Elections Act, proposing to disqualify individuals who have been convicted of terrorism from running in elections, has been retracted.

Indian PM’s Ramadan Greetings Excludes Maldives:

4. Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ramadan greetings extended to leaders of the Islamic countries in the SAARC region and Afghanistan, did not include Maldives.

Turkish Naval Ship Visits Maldives:

5. Turkish Naval Ship TCG Gediz arrived in the Maldives on a friendly visit on July 8, 2015. TCG Gediz had visited 15 countries in the region this year and its upcoming stops include Saudi Arabia and Oman.

Two agreements signed with China for bridge project.

6. The Maldivian government has signed two agreements with the government of China regarding the construction and financing of the Malé-Hulhulé Bridge Project.

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