Battleground Idlib: Russia and Turkey’s Interests amidst the COVID-19 crisis

The civil war in Syria similar to the continuing conflicts in Yemen and Libya has its roots in the 2011 Arab spring protests. The protracted conflict between President Bashar Al-Assad’s forces and a fragmented opposition has been diffused by Russia...

White Mutiny or a Grey Revolution in Belarus -Only time will Tell

Who wants to give up power anyway? History of the long serving leaders abdicating before the time is ripe has rare entries even if the writing on the wall was rather clear. In last decade it has happened to several North African leaders as a...

Tajikistan: Another Victim of Chinese Belligerence in Central Asia

Introduction Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic, China has shown increasing irredentist tendencies. From the South China Sea to its South and Central Asian neighbours, Chinese territorial encroachment has created fissures in bilateral...

Et Tu Caesar – Unending Plight of Syria!

“Et tu Brutus” has been synonymous with perfidy. But on June 17 when the USA invoked its “Caesar Act” against Syria and its embattled President Assad, pursuant to the geo-political games, Assad would have closed the caption by accusing Caesar - his...

What is happening in Libya?

We have been coming across reports, more in the foreign media than in the Indian, of the military gains of the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) headed by Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj at the expense of the Tobruk-based General...

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, May 29, 2020

Economic IMF says pandemic may skew economic data and cause them to be less accurate The coronavirus pandemic “has disrupted the production of many key statistics,” the International Monetary Fund said in a blog post this week. The IMF explained...

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, May 26, 2020

Economic In Coronavirus Fight, Uncertainty Emerges as the New Enemy Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Romer notes that the coronavirus itself, of course, remains the biggest issue. “The longer it takes to fix the uncertainty about the pandemic, the...

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, May 12, 2020

Economic Investment between U.S. and China Falls as Tensions, Coronavirus Take Toll Investment between the U.S. and China is off to a weak start in 2020 and could worsen, according to a report published on May 11 that tallies a continuing slide in a...

Central Asia's Labour Migration amid Coronavirus

1. Introduction The term 'migrant' is often stereotyped as a person who is an undesirable burden and their economic contribution to national economies is seldom measured. The correlation between migration and remittances can be understood as a...

COVID-19 International Developments: Daily Scan, April 30, 2020

Strategic Is a Chinese BSL-4 Lab accidentally responsible for the pandemic? There are two virus research-related facilities in Wuhan- Wuhan Institute of Virology and the other is the Wuhan Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Unlike Wuhan...

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