De-classified US strategy document on the Indo-Pacific

Possible Motive United States de-classified a document titled ‘US Strategic Framework for the Indo-Pacific on 13th of January. The de-classified document consists of 10 pages and is likely to be only a part of the larger document. It is extremely...

Russia Joins the Race for AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the connected emerging technologies are shaping the economies, militaries as well as the geopolitics of the world. It is no surprise, therefore, that country after country is joining the race to produce, acquire,...

Assessing Indo-Pacific in 2021: Indian Perspective

The year 2020 was a landmark event in and for the Indo-Pacific. The COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed the regional perception of China. Until then the challenge from China was known but it had yet to manifest itself in its entirety. The major...

West Asia – 2020 in Retrospect

Year 2020 will go down in the history not only for the adverse impact of Covid-19 on global and regional economies, lower oil prices, budget deficits, health hazards but when the West Asia region nearly came to a catastrophic war between Iran and...

कहीं दोस्त, तो कहीं दुश्मन

अंतरराष्ट्रीय जगत में क्या भ्रम और भय जैसा माहौल है? यह सवाल इसलिए, क्योंकि पिछले दिनों जिस क्षेत्रीय व्यापक आर्थिक साझेदारी (आरसीईपी) समझौते पर इंडो-पैसिफिक के 15 देशों ने दस्तख्त किए, उसमें चीन के हमकदम ऑस्ट्रेलिया और जापान भी बने, जबकि ये दोनों...

Post-Election Crisis in Kyrgyzstan

Introduction Recently, Kyrgyzstan faced one of the worst political crises in a decade. The current political turmoil is no different from the previous two popular revolutions of 2005 and 2010. The 'Tulip Revolution' of 2005 marked the then President...

The Frozen Conflict of Nagorno-Karabakh Flares up again

Nagorno Karabakh is one of the frozen conflicts in Eurasia for over a quarter century. However, on September 27 the two contenders and neighbours Azerbaijan and Armenia fired up the conflict yet again resulting in hundreds of casualties and attacks...

VIF Webinar on “International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC)”

India’s trade with Central Asia is much below its true potential, and the factor behind is the lack of direct connectivity. The Chabahar Port and the International North-South Transport Corridor (INSTC) remain crucial in this regard. Vivekananda...

Why China is an Economic Landmine

‘And China has deep pockets’ is a guaranteed statement one gets to hear in every seminar or discussion on China. But despite its moneyed and lucrative hues, many questions arise. How is China an economic behemoth, when economists and Chinese policy...

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: August 2020

The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) strives to ensure relevant geo-strategic discussions by different Expert Groups covering global as well as regional issues. In that vein, the groups hosted by VIF not only focused on foreign relations...

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