Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor (26 Aug- 01 Sep)

China now global leader in 90% of critical tech research: think tank
China is the top research nation in the vast majority of advanced technologies, according to a new study by an Australian think tank that calls on t....

Israel and the HHH- War of Attrition and Revenge

July 31 was the casting date for a much-feared escalation in the Middle East as Israeli leadership acknowledged killing of the Hezbollah leader Fouad Shukr (July 30) but keeping enigmatic silence on the killing of the Hamas top leader and negotiator ....

Assassination of Hamas Leader Haniyeh in Tehran

Since the missile exchange between Israel and Iran in April last, the tensions in the region had subsided though the war in Gaza was simmering. There was some hope that Israel and Hamas were nearing a deal on hostage release and ceasefire. The target....

Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor (03-09 June)

Gold Surpasses Euro, Challenges Dollar Dominance in Global Reserves
Sturdy central bank gold buying since 2009 and a rising gold price has grown the precious metal’s share of global international reserves to the det....

West Asia Roundup: February 2024

With the ongoing Israel -Hamas war and increasing violence and death and destruction of large number of civilian Palestinians in this over five weeks war, the patience of President Biden – the biggest backer of Israel, is runni....

Continuing Tragedy in Gaza

President Biden’s statement last week that there would be a Hamas-Israel deal by Monday, 4th March had raised hopes for a breakthrough in the talks being hosted in Cairo for hostage release and a pause in fighting. Israel had not sent its delegatio....

Hezbollah in the North

Israel currently in midst of ground operation in Gaza Strip is simultaneously engaged in limited war across the Blue Line on its northern frontier with Hezbollah. The near daily exchange of fire that began since Israel Defense Forces (IDF)’s assaul....

Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor (25-31 December 2023)


China, Myanmar revive hopes for Bay of Bengal deep water port in Kyaukphyu under Belt and Road Initiative
China and the Myanmar military government have signed a supplementary agreement for the Kyaukphyu deep water po....

West Asia Roundup: November 2023

The Israel-Hamas war, started with October 7 terror attacks, continued to witness the excessive and indiscriminate Israeli bombings over Gaza and the ground offensive leading to over 17000 casualties including nearly 600 childr....

West Asia Roundup: October 2023

7th October became the ‘Black day ‘ as the Hamas militants launched an unprecedented attack on the Israelis killing nearly 1400 civilians and military personnel and taking over 250 hostages of all ages after breaching the sup....

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