Commentaries & Articles
Despite Hiccups, India-Malaysia Ties on Track

The India-Malaysia relationship has come a long way since 2019, when Malaysia’s the then Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad ruined the ties with his uncalled-for remark on Kashmir—he said that ‘New Delhi had invaded and occupied Kashmir’. He ha....

Games, Politics and Geopolitical Games

आयुधानामहं वज्रं धेनूनामस्मि कामधुक् प्रजनशाऽस्मि कन्दर्पः सर्पाणामस्मि वासुकिः “Among weapons....

Budget: Economics prevails over politics

The recent collapse of the global supply chains that threatened to integrate the world without borders, have left economists and statesmen bewildered. Over a century ago, British economist Alfred Marshall said economics meant political economy. Wh....

Yoga: An Ancient Practice in India’s Modern Diplomacy

“Yoga comes from India and it is a very old tradition. Yoga is free from copyrights, patents and royalty payments. Yoga is adaptable to your age, gender and fitness level. Yoga is portable and is truly universal”....

India’s Climate Policy

The 1990s were a time of global change. The fall of the Berlin Wall led to Francis Fukuyama arguing in The End of History and the Last Man that western liberal democracy had triumphed and there was to be nothing thereafter in the developmental....

Saying ‘No’ to Religion-Centric Reservations

Every now and then, especially during election seasons but even otherwise, the subject of providing reservations based on religion is raised by somebody or the other, whether in the political field or outside. On occasions, a few state governments ev....

June 26, 2024: Golden Jubilee of the Blackest Day

Three generations of Indians who grew later remained illiterates about the very fact of Emergency and about how Constitution ceased to exist and autocracy was institutionalised by it. Rahul Gandhi was waving the Constitution of India as Prime Mini....

A Retired Bureaucrat’s 2024 Election Takeaways

With the dust of the 2024 election having finally settled and a new National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government having been sworn in it is now appropriate to attempt to tease out some of its key takeaways. For starters, it should definitively pu....

The Creators of False Narratives

Two interesting bits of news filtered in towards the close of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. One, was that an attempt to influence the polls through the misuse of artificial intelligence by a foreign agency had been foiled. And two, was that an organi....

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