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पूर्वी लद्दाख में विघटन और इसके बड़े प्रभावों पर विचार

8 सितंबर 2022 को पूर्वी लद्दाख के चुशुल-मोल्दो में चीन-भारत कोर कमांडर स्तर की 16वें दौर की बैठक के 50 द....

Tensions in Taiwan Strait must not be Allowed to Develop into a Regional/Global Crisis – Part II

In the context of understanding the developments in the Taiwan Strait, two aspects need to be highlighted as a spillover of Taiwan-China spat: fresh US arms sales to Taiwan and increase in defence expenditure of Taiwan by almost 14 per cent. First....

Tensions in Taiwan Strait must not be Allowed to Develop into a Regional/Global Crisis – Part I

The island nation of Taiwan is caught in the cross-fire between the US-China spat and navigating through turbulent waters after Beijing almost violently reacted by firing missiles into the Taiwanese waters in response to the US Speaker Nancy Pelosi�....

Deterrence in Asymmetries

Ashley Tellis’s book – ‘Striking Asymmetries- Nuclear Transitions in South Asia’ has caught some media attention with commentators calling for a review of India’s nuclear doctrine and posture in view of an assessed build up of nuclear arsen....

Pelosi’s visit: Who Won? An after Review

United States’ House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan can be regarded as one of the most surprising events in the international politics. The last visit by a United States speaker to Taiwan was 25 years ago. The major reason given by her fo....

China’s Future Energy Resource: Hydrogen

Energy transition is a trend many countries adopt to address the climate change challenge in the 21st century. The measures undertaken by various governments are diverse based on their capabilities and resources. China, the world's largest emitter of....

China’s transition from Hiding to Showing its Strength! India’s Determined March to Developed Nation – 2047

It is said that Mandarin is a nuanced language, where multiple meanings can be drawn and where even the tone in which it is spoken can completely change the meaning. What Deng Xiaoping said in 1989-90 has had many versions, the commonest being, �....

How China's Past Actively Shapes its Foreign Policy

China’s perceived image of its past actively shapes its policy in the present. For a China determined to restore its past glory, it is significant to utilize narratives from history to effectively shape and justify a fervent and yet aggressive fore....

Xi Jinping Begins Appointing Loyalists to Key Posts

The political situation in China is becoming volatile as the 20th Party Congress draws near and rumours of imminent purges circulating in Beijing gain momentum. The absence of a ‘Revolutionary’ veteran founding leader with unchallenged authority ....

China’s Debt Trap Diplomacy in Sri Lanka

What is Going on in Sri Lanka? Sri Lanka is currently experiencing its worst economic crisis since its independence in 1948, as shortages of food and fuel are causing unrest among the citizens. Economic reforms, which included significant ....

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