VIF News Digest: National Security - Defence Studies & Terrorism, 16-31 October 2022

DEFENCE Raksha Mantri holds bilateral meetings with his counterparts at the DefExpo-2022. Defence Secretary conducts bilateral meetings ahead of DefExpo 2022. DEFEXPO 22. India-Africa Defence Dialogue held on the sidelines of DefExpo 2022. ‘...

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest - October 21, 2022

Afghanistan Iran and Pakistan Officials Pledge to Act for Peace in Afghanistan: Tolo News Pakistan's special envoy for Afghanistan on a trip to Iran talked about the current situation in Afghanistan with Iranian officials. Iran’s Foreign Ministry...

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest - October 20, 2022

Afghanistan Iran and Pakistan Officials Pledge to Act for Peace in Afghanistan: Tolo News Pakistan's special envoy for Afghanistan on a trip to Iran talked about the current situation in Afghanistan with Iranian officials. Iran’s Foreign Ministry...

China: Daily Scan, September 30, 2022

Former vice governor of China's Hubei expelled from CPC, public office: Xinhuanet September 29, 2022 Cao Guangjing, former vice governor of central China's Hubei Province, has been expelled from the Communist Party of China (CPC) and dismissed from...

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: August 2022

In the month of August 2022 Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) organized a total of seven expert group, think tank, round table and eminent person interactions with most of them being hybrid but with increasing in person attendance. The...

The Iraqi Political Conundrum

Iraq’s problems do not seem to go away. Any effort for a domestic stabilization always meets with an unequal and more intense opposing force. Politico- religious leaders hold the sway. External powers play their own games in keeping their stables...

China: Daily Scan, August 25, 2022

Nationalistic blogger Sima Nan banned from Chinese social media: South China Morning Post August 23, 2022 Sima Nan, a Chinese blogger who shot to fame on the back of rising nationalism by writing inflammatory articles about the United States, was...

Biden’s visit to M.E., Energy Crisis and Recession

The sharp increase in oil prices following the Ukraine war brought President Biden to Saudi Arabia. This was seen as a departure from the position taken by candidate Biden during his election campaign when he had criticized the Crown Prince and...

West Asia Round up-July 2022

Abstract: After 19 months into his Presidency the US Administration decided that President Joe Biden embark on a ‘mending fences’ visit to West Asia including Israel, Palestine and Saudi Arabia to interact bilaterally and regionally with GCC++...

VIF News Digest: National Security - Defence Studies & Terrorism, 16-31 July 2022

DEFENCE Chief of Army Staff Proceeds on a Three Day Visit to Bangladesh. Prime Minister unveils ‘SPRINT’. Joint Press Release of the 16th Round of India-China Corps Commander Level Meeting. Maritime Partnership Exercise (MPX) conducted between...

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