The Civilisational Diasporic Approach: Understanding the Engagement of the Chinese and the Indian State with Diasporas

… civilizational approach is geared at securing a prominent position in the international arena through a larger narrative of peaceful rise and collective growth while achieving their domestic goals of growth and development ... it allows the...

Trends in Global Arms Trade & India

The SIPRI’s recent report on international arms transfer reflects the dynamic trends in the global arms trade. While the US, the world’s largest arms supplier, dominates the international arms market and its share has dramatically increased over...

Kashmir-Xinjiang Linkages in Modern and Contemporary Times

Due to its geographical contiguity and cultural affinity with Xinjiang and linkage with the Silk Route by means of much frequented Srinagar-Leh-Yarkand-Kashgar route, Kashmir played an important role in India’s relations with Central Asia since...

BRICS, Russia and the Arctic: India’s Options

… with increasing multi spectrum Sino-Russian cooperation including in the Arctic Region, it is imperative for India not only to enhance its bilateral cooperation with Russia on the Arctic, but also to whole heartedly support the Russian proposal...

India and the BRICS: A Post-XVth Summit Assessment

Among the many landmarks in the evolution of the BRICS, the XVth Summit held in August 2023 will find a mention because unlike other landmarks in specific areas of cooperation since the first Summit in 2009, this Summit added six new members to...

Narrative of Despondent Pashtuns: Terrorism, Ethnicity and the Pakistani Military

This primary research uses in-depth interviews to investigate the experiences and perceptions of the ethnic Pashtuns of Pakistan’s former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) regarding terrorism, ethnicity and the Pakistani military,...

Rise and Fall of London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)- A Transition in Global Financial System

Man’s fascination for numbers is as old as mankind itself. When the earliest humans settled together as tribal societies, a man with a sense for numeric alone could successfully calculate strength of rival tribes. The relative numbers in...

Delivery of Humanitarian Assistance in Myanmar: Lessons Learnt and the Way Forward

As COVID-19 struck the world countries, it took some months to recover back to their normal social and economic lives. However, for the people of Myanmar the crisis deepened further due to the military takeover in February 2021. The need for...

Conceptualising ‘One Health, One-Earth’ for Āyurveda

In the 9th World Āyurveda Congress (WAC) organised by the Ministry of Ayush on 11/12/2022, India put forth the vision of ‘One Earth, One Health’ before the world. To put it in the words of Prime Minister Sri. Narendra Modi;

Contemporary Leadership: Challenges and Lessons from Ancient Indian Wisdom

Contemporary leadership is dynamic & constantly evolving which seeks to explore and understand the principles and practices that are necessary for effective leadership in today's rapidly changing world. Present day leadership models and...

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