Fears of Colour Revolution in People’s Liberation Army

China's People's Liberation Army (PLA) is the sword arm of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Its recruits swear an oath of loyalty to the Party. The evening that Xi Jinping took over China’s top three positions of General Secretary of the CCP Cen....

Introduction to Charvaka Philosophy

Vivekananda International Foundation organised a talk on Jan 25, 2021, on Introduction to Charvaka Philosophy by eminent speaker, Prof. Shashi Prabha Kumar, Dean, Sri Sankaracharya Sanskrit Mahavidyalaya, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan. This lecture wa....

The Absence of Air Power in India’s Security Narratives

India’s security narrative of the region has been largely driven by the coercive diplomacy which China has chosen to pursue as a part of its national security strategy. Border stand offs in Arunachal in the near recent past and Ladakh currently, un....

कोविड के काल में विवेकानंद

कोविड के इस संकट में आज चारों ओर विषाद और निराशा फैले हुए हैं। यह निराशा स्वाभाविक है। कई लोग मा�....

From Cornwall with Love1

Dear non-G7 Citizens,
You would have seen the cute pictures of the G-7 happy family gathering of democracies at Cornwall on 12th-13th June 2021. The weather held up. Sunbathed beaches were wonderful. We were relieved that Trump who had sp....

China’s Military Space Strategy

While the visible elements of China’s space programme include its launch vehicles, launch sites, satellite systems and Anti-Satellite (ASAT) tests, its military space strategy has never been enunciated through any official docume....

EU Strategy for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

The European Union released its Indo-Pacific strategy covering the perspective of all 27 countries in April this year. The strategy is a balanced effort which aims to contribute to stability, security, prosperity and sustainable development in the In....

Interaction between UK’s Chief of Defence and the Vivekananda International Foundation on UK’s “Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy”.

On 21 April 2021, Vivekananda International Foundation members had a virtual Interaction with UK’s Chief of Defence Staff General Sir Nicholas PatrickCarter, GCB, CBE, DSO, ADC Gen. The interaction was focussed on the Indo-Pacific security and UK�....

Explained: What Outcome of Biden-Moon Summit?

Following the footsteps of Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhide Suga, South Korean President Moon Jae-in travelled to Washington on the invitation of the US President Joe Biden for a summit meeting on 21 May 2021, wherein both the leaders vowed “pragma....

Xi Jinping and CCP Leadership Wary of Colour Revolution before 20th Party Congress

Anxiety in the leadership echelons of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of the possibility of a "colour revolution" in China has transparently risen in the past month or so. While Chinese cadres, including Xi Jinping, have harboured such apprehension....

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