Africa Now – (16-31 January, 2025)

This edition of Africa Now explores significant political, economic, and diplomatic developments across the continent. The situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) remains volatile with rebels taking over the l....

Neighborhood News Digest- 28 February 2024

Canada Rejects Kabul’s Request to Control Afghan Embassy in Ottawa- Tolo News
The foreign ministry of Canada has rejected the Islamic Emirate’s request to control Afghanistan’s embassy in Ottawa and other con....

Canada-based Khalistani Elements: A Continuing Concern for Bharat

धर्मं चर। धर्मान्न प्रमदितव्यम्। - तैत्तिरीय उपनिषद् 1.11
[English Translation: Practice righteousness (Dharma). Do not swerve from....

Canada outburst dishonours code among spies

It is well known that intelligence agencies of major countries have harboured dissident and insurgent groups from around the world. Values, scruples and morality are not words in the lexicon of intelligence and security agencies. Their role is to ....

Neighbourhood News Digest – 10 May 2023

Barred from schools & universities, female students start own businesses in Afghanistan - ToI
Due to the Taliban-imposed ban on access to education for girls and women students in Afghanistan, some of them have lau....

VIF News Digest: National Security - Defence Studies & Terrorism,16-30 April 2023

Myanmar Round-Up: January 2023

The month was marked with major developments as the year 2023 is crucial for Myanmar with the announcement of elections. On 31 January, the two years of emergency rule is supposed to end, and the National Defence and Security Council has to conduct e....

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