In the heart of Jaisalmer, known as the “Golden City” for its remarkable yellow sandstone architecture, lies a revolutionary educational and architectural marvel. The Rajkumari Ratnavati Girls’ School stands as a testament to the fusion of visi....
The Sohrai Paintings, an indigenous mural art found near the Hazaribagh region of Jharkhand, have attracted attention nationally and internationally in recent years. These paintings have beautiful motifs depicting geometric shapes, animals, flowers, ....
The Government of India launched the Swamitva Yojana, also known as the "Survey of Villages and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas" scheme. With the intention of giving rural property owners legal papers and facilitating the developm....
Born in a village of Pithoragarh district of Uttarakhand in 1958, Basanti Devi’s life was never easy. She got married at the age of twelve, only to become a widow at fourteen. What transpired after that is nothing more than an inspiration for sever....
Education of women is essential for a just society as well as for accelerating social transformation. Despite significant progress in reducing the gender gap in education, several obstacles still prevent women in developing nations from building up t....
With less than a year in office, Japan’s Prime Minister Fumio Kishida now confronts domestic political challenge when the country’s Upper House goes to the polls on 10 July in which his ruling coalition government expects to get a majority, which....