International Relations/Diplomacy
PLA’s Information Warfare Capabilities on an Upward Trajectory

In end February this year, Chinese President Xi Jinping formed a new working group at the apex level on cyber security and information security. While this was seen as the political leadership’s renewed efforts in underlining the threats and challe

China’s Rising Defence Expenditure and Implications for India

While India’s interim defence budget for the financial year (FY) 2014-15 has remained stagnant in terms of the Rupee-Dollar exchange rate and inflation, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) of China has been given a 12.2 per cent increase over the

Modi and India’s Foreign Policy: A Preview

Little interest has been shown domestically about possible new orientations in foreign policy under a Narendra Modi-led NDA government. Modi’s single-minded focus on the development agenda has dominated political and media discourse, barring, of co

Ukraine Crisis: The Chinese Stand and Lessons for India

Introduction As the conflict in Ukraine refuses to abate, it continues to raise fears of triggering yet another confrontation between the Cold War era adversaries – the US and Russia - in a geopolitical tussle for dominance in Europe. The

BIMSTEC and BICM: Two Competing Sub-Regional Frameworks?

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh recently visited Myanmar to attend the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation summit (BIMSTEC). This sub-regional framework came about in 2004 as part of India’s overall strategy

China's maritime 'Silk Road' Proposal: India must Tread Cautiously

China's proposition of a maritime Silk Route connecting the Pacific and Indian Oceans is part of its propaganda drive to convince the world about its peaceful rise. Its actions do not match its protestations, but that does not deter China from pro

India-China Relations: Mutual Concerns

In the Indian perception, there are several major areas of concern that are limiting the growth of the bilateral relationship. The foremost among these is the unresolved territorial and boundary dispute. The other major concern is the “all-weather�

China’s New ADIZ over East China Sea: Implications for India

Declaration by China of a new overlapping Air Defence Identification Zone (ADIZ) over contested islands of Diaoyu/Senkaku besides raising tensions between Tokyo and Beijing have caused reverberations in the strategic firmament of the entire Asia-Pac

China’s Geo-Strategic Jaw : Another Step to Global Power

Preamble Development of the Gwadar Port on Pakistan’s Makran Coast on the Arabian Sea has been in the news off and on since the project took a concrete shape in the late 1990s. Meanwhile, thousands of kilometres to the North, across the e

In Memoriam: John F Kennedy

The historical record sheds positive light on JFK It is fifty years since the assassination of President Kennedy, and time to explore his Presidency for what it might have done for Indo-US relations, had he lived longer. What follows is an

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