International Relations/Diplomacy
Modi’s Visit and Importance of Indian Ocean Region

According to Will Durant, discovery of agriculture and invention of printing press are two breakthroughs which have fashioned and transformed the course of history. Modern historians believe that another invention which drastically altered the course

India in the Asia-Pacific under New Management

It has been a busy September for India’s external relations. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has travelled to Japan, and has welcomed the Australian Prime Minister and the Chinese President in India. He has also travelled to the US, on a very high-pr

China Eyeing Enhanced Role in Afghanistan Post US Drawdown

China's Foreign Ministry on 18 July said that it had appointed a special envoy for Afghanistan, underscoring its concerns on the political and security developments in the country. Sun Yuxi, a former ambassador to both Afghanistan (bet

Mountain Strike Corps along Indo-Tibet Border and Strategic Advantage

“Begin, be bold and venture to be wise” – Horace
Cause for a Mountain Strike Corps Right from the days when the People’s Republic of China (PRC) decided to use military power to address its border iss

China’s Pakistan Syndrome and India

As two giant countries sharing a common border, India and China have a host of issues between them that they need to sort out and work together. From border disputes to concerns over river waters, from trade imbalances to safety of investment and mar

Will President Xi Jinping’s Visit change the Contours of Sino-Indian Ties?

The coming visit of President Xi Jinping is being viewed as a visit that could define the next decade of engagement between the two Asian giants. It is generally accepted that Sino-Indian relationship could turn out to be more important than the

India Playing Catch up along China Frontier

After years of neglecting the Northern frontiers, the Indian Army and the Indian Air Force are re-calibrating their strategy giving a hard push to improving its war-fighting capabilities against its more powerful neighbour. Ladakh for instance is bu

Time for India to use its Soft Power in China

July 2014 is an important month for global economics and China. It is the first time in recent history that China has overtaken USA in GDP [adjusted for purchasing power parity or PPP] and has become number one country in the world according to Eurom

Chinese PLA Modernisation: Perspectives and Issues

“Build strong National Defence and powerful Armed Forces that are commensurate with China’s international standing and meet the need of its security and development interests is a strategic task of China’s modernisation drive.

Geopolitical Developments and India-China Relations

The world is in a state of continuing flux. The economies of the major powers are still fragile and vulnerabilities exist in those of the bigger emerging powers in the Asia-Pacific like China and India. The balance of power is conc

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