Commentaries & Articles
चीन की 19वीं पार्टी कांग्रेस का विश्लेषण

पहले ही चीन के किसी अन्य वामपंथी दल के नेता की तुलना में अधिक और लगभग चौदह औपचारिक पद सँभालते हु�....

Nepal: Twin City Agreement and Connectivity between Janakpur and Ayodhya

Background People to people relations between Nepal and India continue unabated since time immemorial. No other two countries of the world are as much bound together as these countries in social, cultural, religious, economic and ....

मोदी के मनिला दौरे का विवरण

जैसा कि प्रत्येक विदेश दौरे में होता आया है उसे कायम रखते हुए इस बार भी प्रधानमंत्री ने मनिला के....

Updates on Nepalese Elections

In the process of implementing the most controversial constitution promulgated on September 20, 2015, Nepal government completed local level elections for the 753 Village Councils/municipalities between May and September this year in three phases. Re....

कश्मीर – सामने आया नया मौका

केंद्रीय गृह मंत्री राजनाथ सिंह ने एक बड़ा कदम उठाते हुए 23 अक्टूबर, 2017 को ऐलान किया कि भारत सरकार न�....

Dawn of an Era in Zimbabwe: How Robert Mugabe Failed to Implement Succession Plan

Background The Republic of Zimbabwe is a landlocked country located in the southern part of Africa bordered by South Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Mozambique. The country is located between the Limpopo and Zambezi rivers with a pop....

Perspective on Minimising Risks in Cross Border Movement of People and Goods

Globalisation has not just raised the aspirations of people, but has also rocked the very sovereignty of the established Westphalian nation states. As countries are developing capacities to enforce their territorial boundaries, people staying close t....

Could Belt and Road Initiative Create Financial Mess for China?

Since the 2000’s, predicting the timeline on collapse of Chinese economy has been a prominent theme among economists. However, the Chinese economy has proved all naysayers wrong by being resilient, and now joining the ten trillion dollars Gross Dom....

Commentary - Takeaways from Joint Exercises; Some Tangible Mostly Intangible

Indian armed forces continue to engage with a large number of friendly foreign counties for the conduct military exercises. Most of these are yearly or biannual events conducted alternatively in each other’s location. For instance, in our immediate....

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