Bailing out Sri Lanka from its Economic Difficulties

Sri Lanka has in the past experienced separatist movements, in which the Tamils and Sinhalese were involved in ethnic conflicts for quite some time. Though this dark phase is over now, there still remains simmering disquiet without of course any...

Neighbourhood News digest – 27 April 2023

Afghanistan UN agency: Afghanistan needs $4.62 billion in aid for 2023 - Yahoo Afghanistan needs $4.62 billion in humanitarian aid from the international community this year for nearly 24 million people in need, the U.N.'s humanitarian affairs...

Neighborhood News Digest – 21 April 2023

Afghanistan Taliban recognition not a focus of Afghanistan meeting, says UN - Aljazeera A UN-convened meeting on Afghanistan next month will not focus on the possible international recognition of the Taliban administration, a UN spokesperson has...

Neighborhood News Digest – 17 April 2023

Afghanistan China eyes Afghanistan's lithium reserves, offers to invest USD 10 billion – The Economic Times Taliban are simply not able to ensure security in places such as Kabul. The fact that ISKP has been increasingly able to mount major attacks...

Neighborhood News Digest – 17 April 2023

Bangladesh Bangladesh: India opens its 16th Visa application centre in Kushtia – News On AIR The High Commission of India opened its 16th Visa application centre in Kushtia town of Southwestern Bangladesh on Sunday. The inauguration of the new...

Neighborhood News Digest – 13 April 2023

Afghanistan China Spells Out Its Position on Afghanistan – Tolo News The embassy of China in Kabul shed light on 11 points that clarified the country’s position regarding Afghanistan. The point first, the embassy said in a statement, was that China...

Values for Reforming Multilateralism and Creating a New World Order

In the past few years, the international system has increasingly displayed tendencies of being subordinate to narrow national interests. The COVID pandemic revealed the limits of cooperation when countries turned inwards to cope with the deadly...

Current Situation in Sri Lanka and Bilateral Relations with India

Current Political Situation It will be now over a year (April 01, 2022) since public protests gripped Sri Lanka against deteriorating economic situation in the country leading to a nation-wide emergency. It took three “long fought” months “Aragalaya...

Sri Lanka's Local Government Elections marred by Uncertainty

The Local Government (LG) elections in Sri Lanka have been postponed twice in the last one year. The election to choose new administrations for 340 local councils[1] that serve four-year terms was last held in 2018; therefore, the same was supposed...

Neighborhood News Digest – 31 March 2023

Afghanistan UN Says Attacks On Afghans 'unacceptable' After Deadly Explosion Rocks Kabul – Republic World The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan denounced the deadly explosion that rocked the capital city of Kabul on Monday, stating...

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