The Hamas Factor

Nearly a century old Palestinian movement has its own kaleidoscope of internal dynamic, competition for power and legitimacy even if the sole object of their attention remains the Jewish state of Israel. While Palestinians want their own free...

Gaza Conflict 2021: Why Now, Who Gains?

The guns have fallen silent, fighter aircrafts are back to their bases and the two sides, while counting their losses, are trying to hold onto their nerves as the latest conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip has come to a halt after...

Israel-Palestine Conflict 2021: The Ghost from the Past

“They [Hamas] attacked our capital. They launched missiles at our cities. They are paying, and will pay, a very heavy price for this. This is not yet over. We [Israel] will do everything to restore security to our cities and our people.” - Benjamin...

The Palestinian Dilemma

After a prolonged disjunct and competition between Hamas ruling Gaza and Al Fatah (PLO) ruling out of Ramallah the two had agreed to bury their differences so that the next elections could be held in May 2021. Last elections were held in 2006when...

West Asia Review: February 2021

ABSTRACT; West Asia remained in focus as President Biden’s Administration saddled up in its first month and showed significant inclination to reduce tensions with Iran while assuaging the concerns of its Arab allies and Israel. Biden seems to have...

The Palestinian Predicament

The normalisation of diplomatic relations between Israel and the UAE and Bahrain earlier this month has changed the regional dynamic as more Arab countries may follow the lead. This has a direct impact on the Palestinian psyche and support system as...

Does The Trump Plan for Peace Make Sense?

Before answering the question, let us look at the highlights of the 180-page plan worked out over three years, between Israel and U.S., with marginal consultations with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and one or two others , but not with the Palestinians...

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