Prime Minister Modi and the Two Unions

Of late, the Modi government has made a renewed push to further its relationship with two important regional groupings, the European Union (EU) and the African Union (AU). While New Delhi has been constantly engaging with several individual member-co

Despite Hiccups, India-Malaysia Ties on Track

The India-Malaysia relationship has come a long way since 2019, when Malaysia’s the then Prime Minister Mahathir Mohammad ruined the ties with his uncalled-for remark on Kashmir—he said that ‘New Delhi had invaded and occupied Kashmir’. He ha

Dazzling Architecture of Our Temples

Not many of us who periodically visit important temples in the country and pay our obeisance to the gods and goddesses consecrated there, bother to understand the architecture of those temples. If we were to do so, we would be left dazzled by the var

Changing Colours of Nepal’s Governance

Nepal has had more than a dozen governments since the monarchy was formally abolished in that country in 2008. Prime Ministers have come and gone before they had the time to settle down or had enough time to leave behind far-reaching impacts for the

Saying ‘No’ to Religion-Centric Reservations

Every now and then, especially during election seasons but even otherwise, the subject of providing reservations based on religion is raised by somebody or the other, whether in the political field or outside. On occasions, a few state governments ev

The Creators of False Narratives

Two interesting bits of news filtered in towards the close of the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. One, was that an attempt to influence the polls through the misuse of artificial intelligence by a foreign agency had been foiled. And two, was that an organi

‘Viksit Bharat’ Not a Chimera, it’s Doable

Ever since Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave a call for ‘Viksit Bharat’, or a developed India, by the year 2047, there has been a great deal of buzz over the catchphrase. So, what are the requirements that a country must meet to be called ‘deve

Western Media’s Distorted Views on India

US President Joe Biden recently remarked that countries such as India and Japan were facing financial troubles because they were ‘xenophobic’—they discouraged immigrants. After the statement sparked a controversy, the US administration engaged

Time for India to Reset its China Policy?

Once Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government return to power—as most observers believe it will—it should be more unequivocal in projecting the country’s policy towards China. Perhaps, it is time that N

The Kashmir Files: Much Ado about Honesty

The furore over Israeli filmmaker Nadav Lapid’s condemnation of The Kashmir Files may have died down, but it does recall to memory the case of yet another controversial film, Kissa Kursi Ka. Of course, there is hardly any comparison between the two

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