Suu Kyi
Neighborhood News Digest – 20 April 2023

US watchdog ‘cannot assure’ Afghanistan aid not going to Taliban - Aljazeera
The head of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) has decried a lack of transparency from United States ag....

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest - December 27, 2022

Deputy Minister Reiterates Commitment to Fight Drugs: Tolo News
The deputy minister of counter-narcotics, Abdulhaq Akundzada, said the commitment to fight drugs and said alcoholic beverages, as well as a number of ....

Elections in Myanmar: The Return of NLD

The National League for Democracy (NLD) led by State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi has received the largest mandate in the national parliamentary elections in Myanmar’s latest election held on 8 November 2020, winning 396 of the 498 contested seats i....

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