Interaction with a Nepalese Business and Trade Delegation

Leading a twelve-member business and trade delegation from Nepal, Mr. Bhanu Bhakta Dhakal, the Chief Whip of CPN-UML (the second largest political party in Nepal’s consensus government) visited the Vivekananda International Foundation on 22 Feb 201....

Bilateral Ties to Move Forward During Nepali PM Oli's Visit to India

Nepalese Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, who had surprisingly been the most vocal critic of India, at times even taking his criticism to personal level, using undiplomatic language, seems to have finally relented by deciding to pay an official visit to....

Interaction with a Nepalese Civil Society Delegation

Leading a six-member Nepalese Civil society delegation, Mr. Daman Nath Dhungana, a legal luminary in Nepal and former Speaker of the House of Representative, visited the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) on 27 January 2016 for an interaction....

Interaction with Prof Hari Bansh Jha on the Madhesi Uprising in Nepal

On 04 December 2015, the VIF invited Hari Bansh Jha, Professor of Economics, Nepal’s Tribhuvan’s University for an interaction on the current political uprising in Nepal and its implications, especially for India. Prof. Jha presented an insightfu....

Amending Nepal’s New Constitution

Despite all the efforts made by the government of Nepal, the protests against the newly promulgated constitution by the Madheshi ethnic community continue unabated mostly in the Terai region of the country. The Madheshis have a feeling that the const....

National Business Initiative for Peace and Development in Nepal

1.0 Background The success of a society largely depends on successful business.1 Business is not possible in unsuccessful society and in a situation when there is absence of security. Business groups like to make investment only ....

Modi’s Visit to Nepal: An Assessment

Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Kathmandu from November 25-27 to participate in the 18th SAARC Summit. Though the visit was primarily for a multi-lateral event,the summit meeting of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), i....

Floods in Nepal: Time to Tackle the Problem on Priority

Despite the development of science and technology, the magnitude of natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunami, tornado, storms, floods and drought does not seem to have taken any respite. All the nations of the world continue to be plagued by su....

PM Modi’s Visit to Nepal: Challenges and Opportunities

The past three months since the Narendra Modi-led NDA government assumed office in India have been momentous in terms of defining, inter alia, a new era of Indo-Nepal relations. The pace at which events have unfolded has been unprecedented. Starting ....

Visit of Nepalese Delegation

A five-member delegation from Nepal Transition to Peace-Institute (NTTP I) visited the VIF on July 24, 2014 for interaction on a variety of issues of mutual interest. The delegation was led by former Speaker of the Nepalese Parliament Mr. Daman Nath ....

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