Greedy Dragon Thirsty Neighbours

How stealthy China’s gigantic river projects will create strategic conflicts in a region suffering from growing water scarcity Brahma Chellaney’s new book examines the water scenario in Asia in the context of the increasing use and decr....

China’s Stance in East Asia at Odds with Pok Policy

Friction betwen India and China has expanded from South Asia to East Asia. Reacting to two oil exploration blocks offered by Vietnam to India in the South China Sea, China has called on countries to refrain from such ventures because of its “indisp....

Pentagon Report Outlines Fast Track PLA Modernisation

The Annual Report of the Department of Defence colloquially known as Pentagon’s Report on China’s Military Power has been released. The Report is mandated by the US Congress and provides a bird’s eye view each year of developments in the People....

Xinjiang’s Pakistan Connection & Beijing’s Folly

The proximity that has been characterising China and Pakistan relationship may turn out to be not quite all-weather if investigations into the recent violence in Chinese controlled Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region reveal a Pakistan-based Islamist ....

NSG stamp for Sino-Pak pact a blow to India

The June meeting of the Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) has legitimized the supply of two additional nuclear reactors to Pakistan by China in violation of its own NSG commitments. This is a blow to our security interests. China presented the NSG with ....

China as Hydro- Hegemon : The Onset of Water Wars

The Chinese civilization is characterized by its ability to do long term perspective thinking of an unusual order. As far back as 1952, Chairman Mao Ze dong had articulated that Water Stress in the Northern and Western parts of China would be a very ....

RTD on Shanghai Cooperation Organisation: A Report

The recently concluded Tenth Summit of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in Kazakh capital Astana was the focal point of a Round Table Discussion (RTD), held at Vivekananda International Foundation on Jun 20, 2011. The discussion revolved aro....

China and Vietnam: Delicate Balance of Natural Allies

The recent row between Vietnam and China in the South China Sea is yet another illustration of ‘peaceful rise of China’. It began in the last week of May and continued through second week of June, when in two similar incidents, exploration cables....

Chinese Moves on the Brahmaputra: Threat or Hype

Water—one of the most important natural resource on earth—has taken centre-stage in the North East and is steadily becoming a weapon of geopolitics. It began as a mass movement engineered by the Krishak Mukti Sangram Samiti and its demand to halt....

China in the Af-Pak Region

There have been lot of conjectures and apprehensions regarding the role China would play in Afghanistan since Obama in his New Afghan Policy proposed July 2011 as a dateline for commencing the withdrawal of American troops, eventually leading to a co....

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