EU’s Operation Irini Promotes a Poor Image of the EU

The European Union launched operation IRINI in the Mediterranean on 1st of April, 2020. The operation is officially called EUNAVFOR MED Irini where EUNAVFOR stands for European Union Naval Force and MED stands for the Mediterranean Sea. Irini succeed....

Iran’s Nuclear Quest in Recess

On July 2, some explosions at the nuclear component facility at Natanz in Iran appear to have damaged the crucial centrifuges delaying its programme by at least two years as per Iranian officials. Earlier, there was yet another blast said to be at th....

Happenings Concerning Hagia Sofia Call for India’s Moral Voice

Turkey's recent decision to convert the iconic Hagia Sofia museum into a mosque is condemnable. It marks yet another move by Erdogan's Turkey to turn its back on the measures, admired the world over, taken by Kemal Ataturk to turn Turkey into a truly....

Where Egypt is Going?

Egypt, once the uncontested leader of the Arab world under President Gamal Abdel Nasser (1954-70), remains one of the most important countries in the Arab world and in Africa. Obviously, what happens to Egypt is important and a matter of concern to t....


At those heights where the earth touches the sky The wind blows like a flurry of sharp spears That pierce the flesh without drawing blood When breathing becomes an ordeal And each step an act of determination to feel alive Our soldiers....

Netanyahu’s Annexation Plan

Prime Minister Netanyahu tried to move heaven and earth, including Washington, to get the approval of the Knesset for annexing a part of the West Bank—details are yet to be revealed—by 1st July. He has failed. He could not get his Cabinet to agre....

Et Tu Caesar – Unending Plight of Syria!

“Et tu Brutus” has been synonymous with perfidy. But on June 17 when the USA invoked its “Caesar Act” against Syria and its embattled President Assad, pursuant to the geo-political games, Assad would have closed the caption by accusing Caesar....


To understand China’s conduct You have to from their names deduct The kind of persons they could be, It’s like solving a mystery. In social context these days one sees You use first names with so much ease, You could call Dev De....

Hydroxychloroquine: Pandemic, Parasites and Politics

In this six month long mercurial quest for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients, winners are far from declared. Among the various antiviral treatments tested or deployed to inhibit the viral growth, hydroxychloroquine has had an unparalleled....

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