Ramayan Men Samrik Sanskriti: Antarrashtriy Sambandhon Kaa Indic Siddhant by Dr. Anoop Kumar Gupta; Publication: Manak Publication, INC Pvt. Ltd., Delhi; Language: Hindi, First Edition 2023; ISBN: 978-93-91897-25-3

Several studies have been conducted on different dimensions of strategic issues in different parts of the world. Even many studies have been carried out on various dimensions of the Hindu epic Ramayana, which is believed to have been written first...

Vedic Prayers for Global Peace and Universa Well-being

The present book intends to highlight universal Vedic vision and provide an overview of ennobling ideas enshrined in the four Vedas. It contains select Vedic mantras in Sanskrit , with Hindi and English translation, which solicit peace and welfare...

Lifestyle for the Environment (LiFE): A Significant Platform to Bring about Behavioural changes to protect and Conserve the Environment

Introduction Our climate is changing at a rapid pace. Climate change is a term which refers to long term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns.[1] There are two major reasons for such shifts. These long-term shifts in climate occurs either...

Visit of Fifth Batch Gen-Next Democracy Network Programme of ICCR to Vivekananda International Foundation

The Indian Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR) organized the visit of the fifth batch of Gen-Next Democracy Network Programme with delegates from Austria, Costa Rica, Greece, South Korea, Romania, and Australia. The delegates visited Vivekananda...

05, 06 & 08 November 2018 - Certificate Programme on ‘Introduction to Indian Strategic Thinking’

A workshop on strategic and security approaches of India was conducted when 26 students from all walks of life, and all parts of India, attended to gain insights and awareness of India’s proud history, heritage and culture. Diverse topics like...

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