To Redefine War in Indian Context is Mandatory

In 1942 Quincy Wright wrote in A Study of War, that to different people war may have different meanings. While Brittanica Encyclopaedia states that war, in the popular sense, is a conflict between political groups involving hostilities of...

Looking Back at General Zorawar Singh and his Campaigns: An Assessment

Zorawar Singh was a prominent military commander and statesman in the army of Maharaja Gulab Singh of Jammu and Kashmir. He played a pivotal role in defining the modern political boundaries of the Union Territories of Ladakh and Jammu and Kashmir....

Ice Stupas: Sonam Wangchuk’s Remarkable Blend of Ingenuity and Sustainability

In the enchanting region of Ladakh, nestled amidst the majestic Himalayas, the Ice Stupas have become an awe-inspiring symbol of innovation and sustainability. These towering ice structures, inspired by traditional Buddhist stupas, are the...

Balloon Surveillance and the Near Space Region

With the US shooting down a fourth unidentified object over US airspace on 11 Feb 2023, it has been an unprecedented week or so for NORAD and the homeland defence. Among the four objects that have been brought down is the well publicised Chinese...

Next Step in Disengagement in Eastern Ladakh and Contemplating Larger Implications

On 8th September 2022, 50 days after the 16th Round of China-India Corps Commander Level Meeting at Chushul-Moldo in Eastern Ladakh, consensus was reached on disengagement of the Chinese and Indian troops in the area of Jianan La (Daban) also...

India-China Military Standoff at LAC in Ladakh Sector - Whither from here?

The 14th round of Corp Commander level military to military talks took place on 12 Jan 2022 to diffuse the ongoing military standoff between India and China. The situation emerged almost two years ago in May 2020 after China undertook military build...

China: Profound, Palpable and Persistent Winds of Change-Implications for India

Is China on throes of Cultural Revolution 2.0? What will be political effects of an economic slowdown in China, and near-term pain propelled by strong headwinds? Does this shifting dynamic and internal discourse in China matter to India? With the...

Eastern Ladakh – In Focus Again!

With a meeting of the EAM Jaishankar with his Chinese counterpart Wang Yi, Eastern Ladakh has come in focus again. Most information and analysis of the events in Eastern Ladakh of 2020 and the first half of 2021 have been analysed in fine detail,...

The Absence of Air Power in India’s Security Narratives

India’s security narrative of the region has been largely driven by the coercive diplomacy which China has chosen to pursue as a part of its national security strategy. Border stand offs in Arunachal in the near recent past and Ladakh currently,...

Eastern Ladakh: NTR - ‘Trust but Verify’ Information!

Apparently, and correctly, there is a reportage fatigue on Eastern Ladakh, because of the intensification and severity of pandemic and as post 11th Round of Talks at Moldo, in military coinage, there is NTR (nothing to report). Sporadic articles...

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