Can ASEAN Achieve Peace in Myanmar? - A Review of the Five Point Consensus

Myanmar military on 01 February 2021 overthrew the democratically elected government and announced a state of emergency in the country. ASEAN as a regional organisation soon responded to the crisis that surfaced in 2021. On 24 April 2021, ASEAN...

Neighbourhood News Digest – 25 May 2023

Afghanistan Iran's water right issue: Tehran gives Afghanistan one month to resolve problem, says report - Wion After the rise in tensions over Iran's water rights from the Helmand River in recent days, Tehran has now said that Taliban-ruled...

Neighborhood News Digest – 09 January 2023

Bangladesh US to keep working with Bangladesh in different areas: Biden – New Age United States president Joe Biden has said that his country acknowledges their enduring partnership with Dhaka and termed Bangladesh’s economic growth in the past 50...

VIF Neighbourhood News Digest - December 28, 2022

Afghanistan UN Official Urges Islamic Emirate to Lift Ban on Female Staff at NGOs: Tolo News The UN deputy humanitarian coordinator in Afghanistan, Fran Equiza, in a meeting with Acting Minister of Public Health Qalandar Ibad called for "the Taliban...

The Russia-Ukraine Conflict and its Implications for the Environment

Introduction The Russia-Ukraine war is re-shaping the world. The war which began on 24th February 2022 has resulted in a fast-moving refugee crisis, unprecedented sanctions on Russia, and a re-shuffle of global relationships.[1] The war is also said...

Discussion on ‘Remedial Measures to counter possible spread of Coronavirus'

The Vivekananda International Foundation organized a discussion with a delegation led by Lt Gen RS Grewal, Director General Medical Services (DGMS), Army, on ‘Remedial Measures to counter possible spread of Coronavirus' on 06 March 2020. Air...

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