foreign policy
Modi Government: An Evaluation

As the nation reels under the impact of the monstrous second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic Prime Minister Modi has been the focus of much criticism, some justified and some unjustified, for the failure to avert it and to mitigate its adverse impact...

Pakistan- An Uncertain Road Ahead

2020 was an unpredictable year. It was a year of everything and nothing! Covid-19 crisis turned the world upside down. There was a strange paranoia that gripped the world. It was catastrophic and exhausting, unsettling and unimaginable. However,...

Monthly Compilation of Views of VIF Expert Groups: October 2020

The Vivekananda International Foundation in October hosted different Expert Groups through video conferencing. Members of these groups contributed immensely by sharing knowledge gained through vast experience in their respective fields. This issue...

Parliament and India-China relations

The recent accusation and allegations by the opposition parties particularly Congress with regard to the government’s handling of the India-China relations, in the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in the India-China border was unfortunate and...

India’s Foreign Policy: Surviving in a Turbulent World

Written by foreign policy experts, academics and practioners, this book develops the frameworks and strategies for India’s foreign policy that can be adopted to meet the emerging challenges and non-traditional threats in the new world order. It...

Year Review: Pakistan in 2019

The year 2019 brought optimism as well as trials for Pakistan in equal measure. In 2019, Pakistan under Prime Minister Imran Khan was occupied in confronting numerable challenges at the domestic as well as international levels. At the domestic front...

Introduction to Indian Strategic Thinking and its Determinants

In 2018, The Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) held the first of its kind of Certificate Programme to bring together students from Indian Universities, academicians, researchers from think-tanks and other disciplines and introduce them to...

VIF Capsule for Defence Attaches Designates and their Spouses

VIF organized a one day capsule for 14 India’s Defence Attaches designates who have been assigned to various Indian Embassies abroad. It was also the first time that spouses of the Defence Attaches (DAs) also attended the capsule. This was much...

Interaction with the Delegation from the Prospect Foundation

The Vivekananda International Foundation hosted a delegation from the Prospect Foundation, Taipei led by Dr Mark Tan-sun Chen. The other members of the delegation were Dr Joanne Jaw-ling Chang Chyou, Dr Arthur Shufan Ding, Dr Ming-fang Tsai, Dr Mei-...

Interaction with Mr Jérôme Bonnafont, Ex-French Ambassador to India

The Head of the Department of Middle East and North Africa in the French Government spoke on China's Foreign Policy under Xi Jinping, demographics in the Middle East and realities of terrorism and war. He said that fighting terrorism has been on the...

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