Dear Friends,
I would like to welcome and thank Sh Rajiv Malhotra and Dr Vijaya Viswanathan to the VIF for today’s Vimarsh discussion. Their latest book Who is Raising Your Children: Breaking India with Youth Warriors is the subject of discussion...
Dr R Vaidyanathan,
Sh S Gurumurthy Ji,
Members of strategic community,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to today’s Vimarsh talk by Dr R Vaidyanathan on a very interesting subject titled ‘Global economic crisis:...
I extend warm welcome to all of you to today’s Vimarsh talk by Sh. Kundana Kumar Lal on ‘Rapid Rise of Artificial Intelligence and Emergency Preparedness’.
I am grateful to Sh. Kundana Kumar Lal for accepting our invitation to deliver today...
Sh S Gurumurthy Ji,
Distinguished panellists and moderators
Distinguished participants
Ladies and gentlemen
I extend a warm welcome to you all to the 3-day International Strategic Engagement Programme (IN-STEP) being organised by the Vivekananda...
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to today’s Vimarsh talk by Lt Gen… on an interesting topic “Nation’s Strategic Thought -Perspectives from Ancient India”.
General Ajai Kumar Singh, Param Vishisht Seva Medal, Ati Vishisht Seva Medal,...
Honourable External Affairs Minister Dr S Jaishankar
Ambassador Kanwal Sibal, Ambassador Rajiv Sikri, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
I would like to extend a warm welcome to all on the occasion of today’s event for the release Amb...
We are delighted to organise today’s book release function 'Life, Death, and the Ashtavakra Gita’ authored by Dr Bibek Debroy and Dr. Hindol Sengupta is a unique book. It has an interesting format. In Part I, Bibek Debroy provides an English...
Dear Friends,
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to today’s Vimarsh talk by Prof Arvind Sharma on “The Indic Religious Tradition – An Outline”. Formerly of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Prof Sharma is the Birks Professor of...
Respected Air Chief, Sh Gurumurthy Ji, Lt Gen Ravi Sawhney Ji, Participants of strategic capsule, Distinguished speakers, Ladies and gentlemen
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all to the two-day strategic capsule being organised by the VIF...
Dear Friends,
It is my pleasure to welcome you to today’s Vimarsh talk on ‘Protecting the Environment’ by Sh Adarsh Kumar Goel. He is retired judge of the Supreme Court and a former Chairman of the National Green Tribunal. I want to thank Sh Goel...