Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor (10-16 June)

Economic Gold harder to find – industry body The gold mining industry is struggling to maintain production growth as finding deposits of the yellow metal has become more difficult, according to the World Gold Council (WGC), cited by CNBC on June 09...

Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor(20-26 May 2024)

Economic China offloads record amount of dollar assets – data China sold a record number of US bonds in the first quarter of this year, highlighting the country’s shift away from dollar assets, the latest data from the US Treasury Department reveals...

Global Developments and Analysis: Weekly Monitor (12-18 February 2024)

Economic China puts high expectations on ‘new productive forces’ in search for sustainable growth engines In recent communications, China’s leaders and media have frequently used the phrase “new productive forces” when discussing how to revitalise...

Forgotten Dimensions of Strategy: Russia- Ukraine War - Lessons for India

(Given below is the modified version of presentation given by Amb. DB Venkatesh Varma during Prof. Matinuzzaman Zuberi Memorial Lecture, Jawaharlal Nehru University on 7 December 2023.) Kissinger Syndrome By the time I joined the University in 1982...

NATO after the Vilnius Summit: An Indian Assessment

The NATO Summit held in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, 11-12 July 2023, was momentous in many respects. It took place against the background of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine whose active phase of hostilities is now well past...

The Russian Airpower Dilemma

General Observations The ‘fog of information war’ challenges any meaningful analysis at this stage. The western narrative with connivance of the corporate sector has virtually silenced the ‘other’ narrative. It is clear that everything can and will...

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