Preparing for A Post-Corona World
Air Vice Marshal (Retd) Rajesh Isser, AVSM,VM (G)

The Novel Coronavirus has not only taken over the year 2020, it will have ramifications for decades to come. Changes to societal norms and developmental priorities, and de-globalisation forces gaining momentum are just some of the expected uncertainties on the anvil. This paper explores a myriad of effects and issues related to this history-changing moment in our times. It discusses some human development aspects that will be hit adversely, the central role of China in this ‘Black Swan’ event, impact on economies and a future scenario, the way-ahead including technology and community-based capability building, and role of Indian Armed Forces. It is also an opportunity for decisive change for a more self-reliant, egalitarian and resilient India.

Preparing for A Post-Corona World440.49 KB

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