Protection of Critical Information Infrastructure

… digitisation and connectivity of CII have introduced new vulnerabilities and risks to threaten the resilience of essential services ... requires a comprehensive and coordinated safeguard of such infrastructures against cyber threats by a collective effort from government, private sector, academia and international partners...

India and the South China Sea: Upscaling Maritime Diplomacy

… India’s significant stakes are expected to increase in future … regional expectations for a more proactive strategic engagement by New Delhi … China’s dramatically expanding naval forays in the IOR threatens India’s primacy in its prime theatre … imperative for India to further her power projection ...

Geopolitics of Eurasia and its Strategic Significance for India

… Eurasia has assumed greater geopolitical importance … facilitating connectivity and boosting trade and investments are two major requirements … India needs to improve regional engagements and strike an optimal balance between continental and maritime strategies…

Ongoing Crisis in Myanmar and Implications for India

Myanmar's strategic importance for India stems from its shared land and maritime borders, acting as a gateway to Southeast Asia. The ongoing conflict since the 2021 military coup has significantly impacted this relationship. ‘Operation 1027’ and the aftermath attacks since then across Myanmar borders have been a cause of concern for India. Myanmar's internal conflict and presence of armed groups pose security threats to India, particularly its Northeast states, due to the rise in cases of drug trafficking and activities of insurgent groups.

Technology, Geopolitics and India’s Quest for Tech Self-Reliance

Technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), digital platforms, machine learning (ML), data analytics, autonomous vehicles, blockchain, internet of things (IoT), virtual and augmented reality, and robotics have brought profound changes in almost every part of life across the world. More states are competing to develop and deploy these technologies to shape the economic and military power to their advantage, and control their supply chains.

New Paradigms in Governance 2019-2024

Under the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Modi, the Governance landscape of India has radically changed in scale, scope and learning paradigms. India has succeeded in transforming technologically obsolete institutions into modern day digital institutions which benefit millions of Indians. Today India’s rural country side has changed - banking Correspondents, e-Mitras and common service centers have bridged the gap between internet poor and internet rich.

Need for an Indian Civilisational Approach to Study India’s Forest and Hill People

Asia’s economic and geopolitical rise in the last decade is powering a civilisational consciousness across the world earlier dominated by political and economic ideologies of the post-World War II period. Even Communist China, which had sworn to destroy its own civilisational consciousness during the Cultural Revolution in the 1960-70s, is now recalling and talking about its antiquitous civilisation of thousands of years not only with pride, but also as a guide for the future.

India’s Defence Exports: Recent Trends and the Way Forward

In a highly competitive international defence market, India has recently made its mark and has huge opportunity to become a significant player. India’s defence exports have reached to an all-time high of approximately ₹16,000crore (US $ 1.94 billion) in the FY 2022-2023, a notable ten-fold increase from the FY 2016–17, when exports were merely ₹1,521 crore (US $ 184.59 million). This is a significant step towards India’s stated goal of exporting ₹35,000 crore (US $ 5 billion) worth of aerospace and defence equipment annually by 2025 and becoming a net defence exporter.

Systematic Persecution: Unveiling the Chinese Government's Atrocities Towards Uyghurs and Other Turkic Muslims

… gravity and consistency of the evidence presented here warrant urgent international attention and a comprehensive response .. addressing the crisis in Xinjiang requires a multi-faceted approach .. including diplomatic pressure, economic measures, targeted sanctions, and engagement with relevant stakeholders ...

Sudan’s Fate: Revolution, Coup and Civil War

Sudan since the last few decades has witnessed civil wars, terrorism, mass killings, state tyranny, street protests, partition and coups. The April 2019 protest that toppled the autocratic rule of General Omar Al-Bashir opened the path towards democratisation. The post-Al-Bashir transition process is marked by power contest between civilian groups and military as well as tussle among multiple political parties, armed rebel groups and paramilitary attempting to position itself within the new politico-military order.

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