Nehru Era’s Defence and Security Policies and Their Legacy

Introduction During the nationalist movement and struggle for independence, there was little attention paid to articulation of India’s defence and security policies by the Indian National Congress (INC). Allusions to concepts and precepts of defence of an independent India were entirely absent from INC party resolutions and documents or for that matter in the speeches of the political leadership. Click here to read full Paper

Nuclear Energy in India’s Energy Security Matrix: An Appraisal

Abstract Energy is essential for the economic growth of a nation. India, which is in the lower half of the countries as far as the energy consumption per capita is concerned, needs to leap frog from its present position to upper half, commensurate with its growing economic stature, by adopting an approach, where all available sources need to be optimally used in a coordinated manner, to bridge the demand supply gap.

Strategic Trends in Asia-Pacific and its Implications for India

Introduction Events that are taking place in Asia-Pacific are a sub set of what is happening in Asia in particular and at the global level in general. While there has been an on-going shift of economic power to Asia, it is also quite apparent that most of the conflict spots of the world are in Asia. Rapid rise of People’s Republic of China (PRC) and its fast tracked militarisation has created not only its own geostrategic dynamics in the Asia-Pacific but also has caused reverberations at the global level.

The Role of Myanmar’s Military in Democratic Transition and Implications for India

Myanmar military’s ethos can be traced back to the country’s national struggle for freedom with its founding fathers being of socialist persuasion rather than professional soldiers (Burma Independence Army; founded by a group of nationalists known as Thirty Comrades). Click here to read full Paper

Durand Line: History, Legality & Future

1. Introduction It was in the late 1880s, that the Amir of Afghanistan, Abdur Rahman, started demanding a clear defined border with India. The British too wanted to make a clear buffer state, free from its sphere of influence Click here to read full Paper

China’s Defence White Paper, 2013: Assertions of A ‘Super Power’ in Making?

Promulgations of A Super-Power In April 2013, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) released her eighth Defence White Paper, titled as ‘The Diversified Employment of China’s Armed Forces’. This exercise has been undertaken bi-annually since the early 2000’s, and is in consonance with China’s inexorable claim to super-power status that brings with it an expectation among the international community that the contender would want to enunciate her visions and goals for them to take note of the coming dispensation. Click here to read full Paper

1947-48 Indo-Pak War: Fall of Gilgit and Siege and Fall of Skardu

Part- I: Fall of Gilgit India has fought many conventional wars since independence; it has also been involved in fighting insurgency and proxy wars during this period. Many heroes that these wars produced have become household names. However, these wars also produced heroes who remain unsung; whose stories of bravery and gallantry are not so well known. One such story is recounted here. Click here to read full Paper

Chinese Quest for Space Supremacy: Implications for India and the World

In a stunning demonstration of its growing prowess in the cutting edge space research and technology, on June 11, a Chinese Long March-2F rocket successfully launched the longest ever manned Chinese mission with its second woman astronaut among the crew.

Present State of Insurgency, Extremist Violence & Terrorism in Pakistan

General State actors in Pakistan have pursued a policy of employing irregulars as instruments to further their political and military objectives ever since the state came into being in 1947. It first used irregulars to invade the then princely state of Jammu & Kashmir soon after India’s partition. Click here to read full Paper

Chinese Intelligence : From a Party Outfit to Cyber Warriors

Whatever yardstick we choose to apply – size of the economy and its rate of growth, military hardware and pace of modernisation, stability of the polity and the government; size, population and geo-political setting – China qualifies for a major power status. Click here to read full Paper

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