Counterproductive Effects of Sanctions - The Myanmar Case Study

This paper attempts to analyse the trend of certain Western countries and the United Nations (UN) to impose or recommend imposition of sanctions on other countries, using Myanmar as a case study. Presently, certain bans have already been imposed or recommended to be imposed by Israel, United States and the UN on officials of Myanmar in the aftermath of the Rohingya Crisis. But this paper is not about Rohingyas and human rights violations. As such, the paper neither concurs nor dispels the allegations made against the Myanmar Government.

J & K : Review of Developments Post the Abrogation of Article 370

… the old order has come to its justified end. There is however, much harmful weed still occupying critical spaces of socio-political, cultural and religious existence. Building a ‘new order’ in a conflict zone is always a daunting challenge. It cannot happen without out-of-the-box thinking, and accepting the task as a mission to be accomplished with zeal and passion. India knows New Delhi can do it …

India-Africa Partnership - An Assessment

… There is a lot of goodwill for India in Africa. African countries appreciate its non-intrusive policies and look towards it for lead and initiative. However, India’s approach has been request-based and not initiative-based... Basically, a cohesive policy and strategic vision for its partnership with Africa is needed ... India must develop a strategic foreign policy and make it initiative-based ...

Women’s Rights in Afghanistan: A Long Struggle Ahead

… there is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women, no policy is more important in preventing conflict, or in achieving reconciliation after a conflict has ended .. international community must continue to provide the necessary funding and use its leverage to improve gender equality, women’s security, and their participation in public life. An isolated and neglected Afghanistan will only breed violent extremism, terrorism, and instability in the whole region …

Research and Development in Cyber Domain and Indian Perspective

… India has to develop its own technologies, an electronic manufacturing base, R&D infrastructure and a highly skilled human resource… talented professionals available in the cyber eco system have to be brought in for research on indigenization of cyber technologies… Though a little late, but given the required priority, funding and impetus India has the capability to develop indigenous technology in cyber domain …

What are the Chinese up to on the Other Side of the Indian Borders in Tibet and the Implications

… China considers areas such as the South China Sea, Taiwan and Tibet as its core interests .. for India Tibet is a core area .. Chinese intentions are unambiguous .. No amount of talks or confidence building measures will induce China into giving up its claims on Indian Territory. Make no mistake, China is an expansionist power .. India is not alone in facing China’s unethical threat to its territorial integrity ..

India’s Defence Cooperation with South East Asian Countries: Need for Proactive and Substantive Action

… with the global and regional dynamics remaining in a state of flux it should be India’s effort to build on the existing defence and security relationships .. as also strive to enhance such an engagement with other members of ASEAN whose interests are more inclined towards China or elsewhere... most of these nations see India as somewhat of a benign balancer in the South East Asian region …

Policy Initiatives for The New Government - Building a ‘New India’

On May 30, 2019, the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government led by Prime Minister Modi was sworn in after the NDA registered an unprecedented 350 seats in the Lok Sabha. The new government will undoubtedly continue to implement the various good policies that it initiated in 2014-2019. However, the ambition of building ‘New India’ will require deeper reforms in a variety of areas.

Symposium Report - Shared Values and Democracy in Asia

The international symposium “Shared Values and Democracy in Asia” was being held as the fourth symposium of a pair of Japan-India conferences. The first symposium was held in India in 2015. In 2016, the second symposium was held in Tokyo. The third symposium was held in Myanmar in 2017. This symposium was planned and organized for the purpose of discussing and trying to find a common thread of core values in Asia that have made many countries in this region embrace democratic systems of government.

The New Southbound Policy and India-Taiwan Relations

… India-Taiwan relations are no more under the radar and have the potential to grow further … Governments of India and Taiwan aim to facilitate Taiwanese investments … economic engagement and people-to-people contact remain the basis of the relations … The New Southbound Policy is a pragmatic policy that will help Taiwan not to be isolated and maintain its relevance …

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