Amarnath Yatra: Occasion to Revisit the Indian Institution of Tirtha

Pilgrimage – tirtha – is a unique Indian civilisational institution that has fascinated and propelled people over the ages. The current issue of further curtailing the period of pilgrimage to the sacred shrine of Amarnath in Jammu and Kashmir is an occasion to revisit this institution of pilgrimage and to see it within the Indian spiritual, cultural and civilisational framework.

Military Aspects Af-Pak Situation: An Appraisal

It is axiomatic that military aspects can not be discussed in isolation as many other factors have a direct impact on the given military situation. In the current Af-Pak scenario political and economic compulsions have a direct bearing on the behaviour of many players in the evolving Af-Pak imbroglio. Clausewitz opined that ‘war is a continuation of politics’ which in effect means that war or for that matter any military action can not be separated from political activity. Further, to execute any kind of national or military strategy adequate resources are required.

A Vibrant Indian Military Industrial Complex for Self Reliance

According to Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), today India is world’s largest arms importer with country’s spending on defence hovering between 2.3% and 3% of GDP.

Towards A Stable Afghanistan: The Way Forward

(A report of Joint Working Group of Vivekananda International Foundation and RUSI, the UK) The experts from the two think tanks met in New Delhi and London during October and November 2011 to deliberate on peace and stability in Afghanistan. Both the countries have stakes in the emerging situation in Afghanistan and have contributed to peace and stability in Afghanistan in many ways. The report also took into account the opinions of a wide array of strategic analysts, many government officials, and academics.

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