Rise of China, History, Technology, Policies: Implications for India

Since opening up to foreign trade and investment and implementing free market reforms in 1979, China has become the world’s fastest-growing economy. China has transformed itself from a predominantly agricultural economy into a manufacturing powerhouse. China has taken a leading role in several critical emerging technologies. ‘Made in China 2025’, laid out how and why China would need to move up the technology ladder and close the gap with developed countries.

Sino-Indian Boundary Dispute and Indo-Centric Reflections on China's Military Capabilities, thoughts and Options in the Near Future

Preface India and China share many similarities. They both rejoice in, and relate to, the inheritances of their continuing civilizations. Both are nuclear power states with ever increasing military capabilities. Alongside the benefits of their rising economies they are also grappling with the internal contradictions and upheavals of their billion strong populations. In pursuit of their national aspirations they are both jostling for their rightful places in the world order. If China’s rise remains under close scrutiny in India, that of India does not go unnoticed in China.

Corridor Calculus China Pakistan Economic Corridor & China's Comprador Investment Model in Pakistan

I. A DONE DEAL Soon after the PPP formed the government in 2008, President Asif Zardari put forward a very ambitious proposal costing around $60 billion for around 70 mega projects to Pakistan's Western donors who had formed the Friends 1 of Pakistan group.

China-One Belt and One Road Initiative: Strategic & Economic Implications

Abstract “The India-China relationship is likely to be the most complex, perhaps the most competitive relationship between two of the world's mega-states in the twenty-first century. Their cooperative interactions will be edgy and formal, often brittle – irrespective of public professions to the contrary.

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization: An Assessment

The recent summit meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is a watershed one in more than one respect. In the 15 years of its existence as a regional grouping, the SCO is on the verge of a new phase in its evolution. A phase that is complex and complicated.

China’s Strategic Posture in Tibet Autonomous Region and India’s Response

Relations between India and China are poised to affect and influence the global economic and strategic aggregates, which would significantly determine peace, security and stability in Asia in the coming decades. History denotes that interaction between two emerging powers is a contrasting blend of harmony and discord; India and China are no exception. The expanding economic and trade engagement between the two countries on one hand, and concomitant muscle flexing on the other, is a representation of this contrasting dyad.

China’s Involvement in India’s Internal Security Threats: An Analytical Appraisal

Twenty-first-century India faces multifarious security challenges. At the core of India’s security concerns is its ‘internal security’ – a major national security challenge. Among many imponderable factors of India’s security calculus, internal security is regarded as one of the principal underlying aspects.

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